QuickBooks Integrator 2020 Delphi Edition

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Authorization Event

Fired when the client presents its credentials to the server.


type TAuthorizationEvent = procedure (
  Sender: TObject;
  ConnectionId: Integer;
  UserIndex: Integer;
  const User: String;
  const Password: String;
  var Accept: Boolean
) of Object;

property OnAuthorization: TAuthorizationEvent read FOnAuthorization write FOnAuthorization;


This is where the server can decide whether to continue or not, based on the supplied User and Password.

To accept or reject a connection set Accept to True of False.

The Accept parameter defaults to True if User is found in the AuthorizedUsers collection and Password matches, and False otherwise. The UserIndex parameter indicates the index at which the authorized user was found in the collection.

A UserIndex of -1 means that no matching credentials were found in the AuthorizedUsers collection.

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QuickBooks Integrator 2020 Delphi Edition - Version 20.0 [Build 7941]