QuickBooks Integrator 2020 iOS Edition

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expectedDate (property)

Date shipment is expected.


@property (nonatomic,readwrite,assign,getter=expectedDate,setter=setExpectedDate:) NSString* expectedDate;
- (NSString*)expectedDate;
- (void)setExpectedDate:(NSString*)newExpectedDate;
public var expectedDate: String {
  get {...}
set {...} }

Default Value



The date when shipment of the goods ordered is expected.

The standard formatting for dates is YYYY-MM-DD; i.e., September 2, 2002 is formatted as 2002-09-02. When getting the value of a date property, the date will always be in this format.

When setting the value of a date property, the formats MM-DD-YY, MM-DD-YYYY, MM/DD/YY, and MM/DD/YYYY are also acceptable. Dates in these formats will be automatically parsed and stored in YYYY-MM-DD format.

Copyright (c) 2021 /n software inc. - All rights reserved.
QuickBooks Integrator 2020 iOS Edition - Version 20.0 [Build 7941]