HotelRateAmount Property
The nightly rate for this hotel room (American Express cards only).
public String getHotelRateAmount(); public void setHotelRateAmount(String hotelRateAmount);
This property contains the nightly rate for one room at the lodging property. This property is only valid when using American Express cards with the Hotel IndustryType.
This amount is to be presented with an implied decimal point. For example, US $10.00 must be represented as 1000, and $0.10 is likewise simply 10. The allowable number of significant digits as well as the positioning of any implied decimal point is dictated by the designated CurrencyCode configuration setting. In the United States (default), the number of allowable significant digits is seven. Thus the maximum TransactionAmount is "9999999", yielding a US dollar amount of $99,999.99. This field may not contain a negative number.
Default Value