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TSYSBatchErrorInfo Type

Contains information about settlement errors.


If there is an error in the settlement that results in a rejected batch, this type will contain information that can help you determine what has caused the settlement to fail. The following fields are available:



Erroneous data contained within the field specified by DataFieldNumber.

When you receive a Rejected Batch (Response.Code is "RB"), this 32-character field will contain the data that caused the batch to fail. The record that contains this error is specified by SequenceNumber, and the location of the erroneous data within that record is specified by DataFieldNumber.


Field within an invalid record that contains an error.

When you receive a Rejected Batch (Response.Code is "RB"), this field contains the sequential field number within the data record which caused the batch to be rejected. The erroneous data within this field is returned in Data, and the sequence number of the record that contains this error is specified by SequenceNumber.


Provides the index of the DetailRecord that caused the batch error.

When you receive a Rejected Batch (Response Code of 'RB'), this field will be populated with the index of the DetailRecord that caused the error (provided that it was a Detail Record that caused it). If no error occurred, this field will return "-1".


Type of batch error.

When you receive a Rejected Batch (Response.Code is "RB"), this one character field will provide additional info as to the nature of the rejected batch. The following table lists the currently defined error types.

BBlocked terminal.
CCard type error.
DDevice error.
EError in Batch.
SSequence error.
TTransmission error.
UUnknown error.
VRouting error.


Type of record in which an error occurred.

When you receive a Rejected Batch (Response.Code is "RB"), this one character field defines the type of data record which caused the batch to be rejected. The table below lists all valid responses.

HHeader Record.
PParameter Record.
DDetail Record.
LLine Item Detail Record.
TTrailer Record.


Sequence number of the record that caused an error.

When you receive a Rejected Batch (Response.Code is "RB"), this field will contain the sequential number of the data record which caused the rejected batch state. To obtain the index of the DetailRecord in the DetailRecords that contains the erroneous data, please see the DetailRecordErrorIndex configuration option. The field within this record that contains erroneous data is specified by DataFieldNumber, and the actual data causing the error will be contained in the Data field.


public TSYSBatchErrorInfo();

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