GetAddendum Method
Returns a Level2 Purchasing card addendum based on the specified CardType .
String __fastcall GetAddendum(): StringRemarks
The type of addendum created by this component depends upon the value of the CardType property. If the CardType is ctVisa or ctMasterCard a Group 22 addendum will be created by the GetAddendum method. Properties valid for these CardTypes are: IsTaxExempt, LocalSalesTax, and PurchaseOrderNumber. The following example illustrates how to add a Visa/MasterCard Level2 addendum to a detail record in the settlement:
TSYSECommerce.Authorize() TSYSSettle.DetailRecordCount = 1 TSYSSettle.DetailAggregate[0] = TSYSECommerce.GetDetailAggregate() TSYSLevel2.CardType = ctVisa TSYSLevel2.IsTaxExempt = False TSYSLevel2.LocalSalesTax = "423" '$4.23 TSYSLevel2.PurchaseOrderNumber = "12345678901234567" TSYSSettle.DetailAddendum[0] = TSYSLevel2.GetAddendum()
If the CardType is ctAmericanExpress, the addendum created will be Group 21 instead of Group 22. Only the properties prefixed with "Amex" are applicable in this case. These include: AmexCardholderReference, AmexChargeDescriptor, AmexSalesTax, AmexShippedToZip, and AmexSupplierNumber. The following example shows how to add an American Express Level2 addendum to a detail record in the settlement:
TSYSECommerce.Authorize() TSYSSettle.DetailRecordCount = 2 TSYSSettle.DetailAggregate[1] = TSYSECommerce.GetDetailAggregate() TSYSLevel2.CardType = ctAmericanExpress TSYSLevel2.AmexCardholderReference = "INV12345678" TSYSLevel2.AmexChargeDescriptor = "Test transaction" TSYSLevel2.AmexSalesTax = "373" TSYSLevel2.AmexShippedToZip = "90210" TSYSLevel2.AmexSupplierNumber = "SUP244568" TSYSSettle.DetailAddendum[1] = TSYSLevel2.GetAddendum()