Sale Method
Sends a Sale transaction to the host.
int Sale();
A basic Sale transaction. This transaction decrements the cardholder's open-to-buy funds for the sale amount. This transaction is automatically added to the current open batch, and will be settled after the current batch is settled. The batch settlement may be set up to occur automatically, or you can control when the batch settles with the GlobalBatchMgr class. Sample transactions follow.
Sale transaction with Track 1 data:
class.CardEntryDataSource = edsMagneticStripe class.CardMagneticStripe = "5499990123456781=15125025432198712345" class.TransactionAmount = "1.00" class.Sale()Manually keyed Sale transaction:
class.CardEntryDataSource = edsManuallyEntered class.CardNumber = "4444333322221111" class.CardExpMonth = 1 class.CardExpYear = 2015 class.TransactionAmount = "1.00" class.Sale()