DebitKSN Property
Clear-text Key Sequence Number, used for Debit transactions.
char* GetDebitKSN();
int SetDebitKSN(char* lpszDebitKSN);
Default Value
The value of this property must be retrieved from a certified PIN pad device. This property is only valid for Debit Card transactions. The maximum length is 16 characters.
Note: If either the DebitPIN or DebitKSN properties are present, the class will assume this is a debit card transaction. Debit transactions are only supported by the Retail IndustryType, and only for Card Present transactions. For any other type of transaction the class fails with an error.
class.IndustryType = itRetail class.CardEntryDataSource = edsTrack2 class.CardMagneticStripe = "9999999800002773=05121015432112345678" class.TransactionAmount = "25.00" class.PINCapability = ppVerifiedPIN class.DebitPIN = "623F36B53CC18393" class.DebitKSN = "000000008F000021" class.DebitCashBack = "5.00" class.Sale()
Data Type