Response Property
Contains the response to a debit transaction.
[VB.NET] Public ReadOnlyProperty Response As FDMSDebitResponse
[C#] public FDMSDebitResponse Response {get;}
This property will contain the response returned from the FDMS server. It should be inspected (and logged) after an authorization to determine if the transaction was approved. The FDMSDebitResponse type contains the following fields:
ApprovalCode | Contains an authorization code for approved transactions, or a description of the error for declines. |
CaptureFlag | Indicates whether the authorization was successful, and whether it can be settled. |
DatawireReturnCode | Contains an error code providing more details about the DatawireStatus received. |
DatawireStatus | Status of the communication with Datawire. |
TransactionDate | Local transaction date returned from the server in MMDDYY format. |
This property is read-only.