Response Codes
This page lists response codes.
The following is a list of possible Code, Text, and AVSResult combinations that may be returned by the TSYS server.
Response Text | Response Code | Definition | AVS Result |
(any) | 00 | Approved and completed. | (any) |
(any) | 85 | No reason to decline. | (any) |
Partial Approval | 10 | Partial approval for the authorized amount returned in Group III version 022 | See the AVS Result code |
"CALL" | 01 | Refer to issuer. | 0 |
"CALL" | 02 | Refer to issuer - Special condition. | 0 |
"NO REPLY" | 28 | File is temporarily unavailable. | 0 |
"NO REPLY" | 91 | Issuer or switch unavailable. | 0 |
"HOLD-CALL" or "PICK-UP CARD" | 04 | Pick up card. | 0 |
"HOLD-CALL" or "PICK-UP CARD" | 07 | Pick up card - Special condition. | 0 |
"HOLD-CALL" or "PICK-UP CARD" | 41 | Pick up card - Lost. | 0 |
"HOLD-CALL" or "PICK-UP CARD" | 43 | Pick up card - Stolen. | 0 |
"ATSYST LENGTH ERR" | EA | Verification Error. | 0 |
"ALREADY REVERSED" | 79 | Already reversed at switch. | 0 |
"AMOUNT ERROR" | 13 | Invalid amount. | 0 |
"AMT ERROR" | 13 | Invalid amount | 0 |
"CANT VERIFY PIN" | 83 | Cannot verify PIN. | 0 |
"CANT VERIFY PIN" | 86 | Cannot verify PIN. | 0 |
"CARD NO. ERROR" | 14 | Invalid card number. | 0 |
"CASHBACK NOT APP" | 82 | Cashback limit exceeded. | 0 |
"CASHBACK NOT AVL" | N3 | Cashback service not available. | 0 |
"CHECK DIGIT ERR" | EB | Verification error. | 0 |
"CID FORMAT ERROR" | EC | Verification error. | 0 |
"DATE ERROR" | 80 | Invalid date. | 0 |
"DECLINE" | 05 | Do not honor. | 0 |
"DECLINE" | 51 | Insufficient funds. | 0 |
"DECLINE" | N4 | Exceeds issuer withdrawal limit. | 0 |
"DECLINE" | 61 | Exceeds withdrawal limit. | 0 |
"DECLINE" | 62 | Invalid service code, restricted. | 0 |
"DECLINE" | 65 | Activity limit exceeded. | 0 |
"DECLINE" | 93 | Violation, cannot complete. | 0 |
"ENCRYPTION ERROR" | 81 | Cryptographic error. | 0 |
"ERROR xxxx" | 06 | General error. | 0 |
"(CHECK SERVICE CUSTOM TEXT)" | 06* | Error response text from check service. | 0 |
"EXPIRED CARD" | 54 | Expired card. | 0 |
"INVALID ROUTING" | 92 | Destination not found. | 0 |
"INVALID TRANS" | 12 | Invalid transaction. | 0 |
"NO ATSYSOUNT" | 78 | No account. | 0 |
"NO ACTION TAKEN" | 21 | Unable to back out transaction. | 0 |
"NO ACTION TAKEN" | 76 | Unable to locate, no match. | 0 |
"NO ACTION TAKEN" | 77 | Inconsistent data, rev. or repeat. | 0 |
"NO CHECK ATSYSOUNT" | 52 | No checking account. | 0 |
"NO CREDIT ATSYST" | 39 | No credit account. | 0 |
"NO SAVE ATSYSOUNT" | 53 | No savings account. | 0 |
"NO SUCH ISSUER" | 15 | No such issuer. | 0 |
"PIN EXCEEDED" | 75 | PIN tries exceeded. | 0 |
"RE ENTER" | 19 | Re-enter transaction. | 0 |
"SEC VIOLATION" | 63 | Security violation. | 0 |
"SERV NOT ALLOWED" | 57 | Transaction not permitted - Card. | 0 |
"SERV NOT ALLOWED" | 58 | Transaction not permitted - Terminal. | 0 |
SRCHG Not Allowed | B1 | Surcharge amount not permitted on Visa cards or EBT food stamps. | 0 |
SRCHG Not Allowd | B2 | Surcharge amount not supported by debit network issuer. | 0 |
Stop Recurring | R0 | Customer requested stop of specific recurring payment. | 0 |
Stop Recurring | R1 | Customer requested stop of all recurring payments. | 0 |
"SYSTEM ERROR" | 96 | System malfunction. | 0 |
"SYSTEM ERROR" | H9 | System was unable to decrypt the provided PIN. | 0 |
"TERM ID ERROR" | 03 | Invalid merchant ID. | 0 |
"WRONG PIN" | 55 | Incorrect PIN. | 0 |
"CVV2 MISMATCH" | N7 | CVV2 value supplied is invalid. | 0 |
"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" | xx | Undefined response. | 0 |
Duplicate Trans | 94 | Unable to locate, no match | 0 |
Approval | T0 | First check is OK and has been converted. | 0 |
Cannot Convert | T1 | Check is OK but cannot be converted. This is a declined transaction. | 0 |
Invalid ABA | T2 | Invalid ABA number, not an ACH participant. | 0 |
Amount Error | T3 | Amount greater than the limit. | 0 |
Unpaid Items | T4 | Unpaid items, failed negative file check. | 0 |
Duplicate Number | T5 | Duplicate check number. | 0 |
MICR Error | T6 | MICR error. | |
Too Many Checks | T7 | Too many checks (over merchant or bank limit). | 0 |
Approval | 11 | VIP approval | See the AVS Result code |
Approval | 08 | Honor MasterCard with ID | See the AVS Result code |
Activated | 100 | POS device authentication successful | 0 |
Not Activated | 101 | POS device authentication not successful | 0 |
POS ID Error | 102 | Could not validate MerchantId (POS ID) | 0 |
Deactivated | 103 | POS device deactivation successful | 0 |
Completed | 200 | Adjustment successful | 0 |
Not Completed | 201 | Adjustment not successful | 0 |
The following is a list of Code value that may be returned by the TSYS server when using TSYSTerminalMgr.
Response Code | Definition |
A1 | The device was authenticated. |
A2 | The device was not authenticated. |
A3 | The device was deactivated. |
Paymentech Server Errors:
The following is a list of error codes which may be returned by the Paymentech Server. In the case of a server-side error condition, the Code field will contain "E", the error code will be contained in the ApprovalCode field, and the description in Text
Paymentech Issuer Errors
ApprovalCode | Text | Description |
200 | Auth Declined | Cardholder's bank did not approve transaction. |
201 | Call Voice Oper | Authorizer needs more information for approval. |
202 | Hold - Call | Card issuer does not want that card used. Call for further instructions. |
203 | Call Voice Oper | Authorizer didn't respond within allotted time. |
204 | Invalid Card No | Account #/mag stripe is invalid. |
205 | Invalid Exp. Date | Expiration date is either incorrect format or prior to today. |
206 | Invalid ICA No | Invalid International Control Account number. |
207 | Invalid ABA No | Invalid American Banking Association number. |
208 | Invalid PIN No | The Personal ID Number for a debit transaction is incorrect. |
209 | Invalid Bank MID | The Bank Merchant ID is incorrect. |
210 | Invalid Term No | The merchant ID is not valid or active. |
211 | Invalid Amount | Amount is either: equal to 0, has no decimal, has decimal in wrong place, or has multiple decimals. |
213 | Invalid Tran Fmt | The transaction format isn't valid, typically invalid SIC code |
214 | Call Voice Oper | Authorization center cannot be reached. |
215 | Lost/Stolen Card | Card has been reported lost or stolen. |
216 | Invalid PIN | Personal ID code is incorrect. |
217 | Over Credit Flr | Amount requested exceeds credit limit. |
218 | Request Denied | Transaction is not valid for this authorizer. |
220 | Not Online to XX | Fatal communications error. |
221 | Auth Down-Retry | Debit authorizer temporarily unavailable. |
222 | Auth Declined | Vehicle not found in positive file. |
223 | Invalid Pin No | Driver # not found in positive file. |
224 | Auth Declined | Card is on private label negative file. |
225 | Card Not Allowed | Merchant does not accept this card. |
226 | PL Setup Reqd | Merchant not set up for Private Label. |
227 | BIN Not Allowed | Merchant cannot accept this Private Label BIN range. |
228 | Card Not Allowed | Merchant cannot accept this card. |
229 | Inv Merc Rstrct Code | Restriction code field contains invalid data. |
230 | Prod Restricted | Merchant attempted a product code not permitted by this merchant. |
231 | Prod Not On File | Merchant attempted a product code that does not exist on host. |
232 | Auth Declined | Invalid card type for Prior Auth sale. |
233 | Auth Declined | Terminal Type not supported. |
234 | Auth Declined | T&E card used for Sale when merchant only allows Auth Only. |
235 | *Request Denied* | Prior Auth selected with no Auth code provided. |
238 | Invalid Driver Number | The Driver Number entered is invalid. |
247 | PIN Not Selected | EBT recipient has not selected a PIN for this card. |
248 | Unmatch Vch Info | Voucher submitted does not match one previously issued. |
248 | CVC2/CID ERROR | CVC2 or CID entered was not valid for the card number. |
249 | Tran Not Defined | This type of transaction is not allowed for this type of card. |
257 | Block Act Not Alwd | The not allowed to process Stored Value Block Activations |
258 | Incorrect Act Amt | The activation amount requested does not match the predenominated amount for the card. |
292 | Auth Down - Retry | Authorizer is not responding. |
293 | Auth Busy - Retry | Authorizer not available at this time. |
294 | Auth Busy - Retry | Authorizer not available at this time. |
297 | Auth Error - Retry | Authorizer not available at this time. |
298 | Err - Pls Retry | Debit authorizer experienced an error. |
299 | Err - Pls Retry | Debit authorizer experienced an error. |
Paymentech Format Errors
ApprovalCode | Text | Description |
300 | Invalid Term ID | The length of the merchant ID is incorrect or contains invalid data. |
301 | Invalid Function | Tran code is incorrect or wrong length. |
302 | Invalid Card | Mag stripe contains invalid data or account # is greater than 19 digits |
303 | Invalid Exp. Date | Card has expired, month was not 01-12 or year was not 00-99. |
304 | Invalid Action Code | Action code is longer than 1 digit. |
305 | Amt Entry Error | Amount less than .01 or greater than 99999.99 or contained non- numeric data. |
306 | Invalid PIN | Incorrect PIN block length. |
307 | Invalid Card | Invalid card type or account number. |
308 | Auth # Not Entered | Auth code was not entered on a Prior Auth, Incremental or Rev. |
309 | Invalid Down Pay Ind | Insurance down payment indicator is invalid. |
310 | Policy # Wrong Len | Insurance policy number is incorrect length. |
311 | Invalid Ind Code | Industry type must be RE or DM. |
312 | Invalid Function | Tran code is invalid or contains alpha data. |
313 | Entry Mode Invalid | POS Entry mode is less than 01 or greater than 04. |
314 | Invalid Industry Data | The Industry Specific field contains invalid data. |
315 | Inv Fleet Data | The Fleet Card field contains invalid data. |
316 | Invalid Sys Info | The System Information field contains invalid data. |
317 | Invalid Format | Payment Service indicator or Transaction ID is invalid. |
318 | Inv Transaction Class | Transaction class not "F" for financial transaction. |
319 | Inv PIN Capability | Pin capability code field contains invalid data. |
320 | Inv/Missing Retr Ref | Retrieval Reference # is missing or contains alpha data. |
321 | Inv MSDI | Market Specific Data field contains invalid data. |
322 | Invalid Duration | Market specific data field Duration is 00, blank or missing. |
323 | Inv Pref Cust Ind | Preferred Customer indicator contains invalid data. |
324 | Inv MO/TO Number | Mail/Telephone Order number is invalid (InvoiceNumber must have a value). |
325 | Inv Sale/Chg Des/Folio | Hotel Sale Code, Charge Descriptor or Folio contains invalid data. |
326 | Inv Mult Clr Seq No | Multiple Clearing sequence number is invalid. |
327 | Inv Purch Card Data | Purchasing card field contains invalid data. |
328 | Inv Input/Use VRU | Insurance transaction not from VRU. |
329 | Invalid EC Data 329 | Invalid Electronic Commerce Data. |
330 | INV Function or Multiple FS or Unknown TKN | Indicates system problem, notify Paymentech Network Services or Multiple field separators received without required data or A token of unknown definition was received |
331 | INV TKN Value | Invalid token value was received. |
332 | CVD Data Error | Error with the cardholder verification data received; invalid value or not allowable for this card for this transaction. |
333 | TKN Data Error | Indicates system problem, notify Paymentech Network Services. |
359 | Invalid Sequence Number | The SequenceNumber must be a number between 0 and 2400. |
Paymentech Host / Setup Errors
ApprovalCode | Text | Description |
400 | Invalid Term ID | Merchant ID not found in merchant file. |
401 | Invalid Term ID | Merchant ID not found in terminal file. |
402 | Term Not Active | Active flag for merchant set to "N". |
403 | Invalid Act Code | Merchant not set up for cash advance function. |
404 | Void Not Allowed | The transaction requested for voiding is not an EFT transaction. |
405 | Ref Num Not Found | Transaction requested for reversal not found. |
406 | Proc Error 7 | The host can't clear all transaction records for the requested Batch Release. |
407 | Too Many Batches | There are 999 open batches for this merchant. |
408 | Release Batch | Current batch has 999 records. Release batch before continuing. |
409 | Invalid Function | Debit transaction requested but debit flag is set to "N". |
410 | Invalid Term ID | The Terminal ID portion of the merchant ID is incorrect. |
411 | Invalid Term ID | The maximum retries for this merchant have been exceeded. |
412 | Proc Error 13 | Unable to read reference number file. |
413 | Proc Error 14 | 413 |
414 | Proc Error 15 | 414 |
415 | Invalid Function | 415 |
416 | Invalid Function | Merchant is Authorization Only and a debit record was sent. |
417 | Invalid Function | Private label flag is "N" but a private label account number was sent. |
418 | Please Try Again | Incorrect debit working key. |
419 | Invalid Function | Manually entered transactions are not allowed for this terminal ID. |
420 | Amount Too Large | Maximum sale amount exceeded. |
421 | Amount Too Large | Maximum return amount exceeded. |
422 | Invalid Term ID | Host couldn't read terminal file within specified time. |
423 | Proc Error 24 | Host couldn't read reference number file within specified time. |
424 | Invalid Term ID | Transaction open flag has been set to "Y" within prior 3 minutes. |
425 | Invalid Function | Cash management not allowed for this merchant ID. |
426 | Rev Not Allowed | Host found no batch number matching the one sent. |
427 | Rev Not Allowed | Host found no transactions meeting the specifications sent. |
428 | Dscv Not Allowed | Merchant not set up for Discover transactions. |
429 | Rev Not Allowed | The batch containing the transaction to void has been released. |
430 | Dscv Not Allowed | Merchant not set up for Discover. |
431 | DC Not Allowed | Merchant not set up for Diners Club. |
432 | CB Not Allowed | Merchant not set up for Carte Blanche. |
433 | Invalid Key | No AMEX subscriber number, process control ID or product code set up |
434 | Invalid Key | Future use. |
435 | Failed-Plz Call | Debit transaction being sent to an authorizer not set up on host file. |
436 | Failed-Plz Call | Debit security key does not exist on the security management file. |
437 | Failed-Plz Call | Failure occurred during encryption/decryption of PIN. |
438 | Failed-Plz Call | Error occurred while generating a debit working key. |
439 | Failed-Plz Call | The DB (debit) sponsor institution on the merchant file is not set up on sponsor file. |
440 | Failed-Plz Call | The network set up on the sponsoring bank file for this institution is not set up on the host's network file. |
441 | Failed-Plz Call | The host is unable to communicate with decryption device. |
442 | JCB Not Allowed | JCB CD flag on merchant record not set up for JCB transactions. |
443 | JCB Not Allowed | JCB subscriber number not set up for JCB transactions. |
444 | Bank Not On File | Debit BIN not set up for this merchant in routing table. |
445 | No Sponsor Inst | No valid sponsorship was found on Merchant record. |
446 | Failed Plz Call | Future use. |
447 | WX Not Allowed | Merchant not set up to accept WEX. |
448 | Amount Too Large | Amount exceeds maximum limit. |
449 | Reenter Odometer | Odometer was 000000 or contained non-numeric data. |
450 | Duplicate Tran | No ACK reversal was followed by a duplicate request |
451 | Tran Not Allowed | Requested transaction type is not allowed for this card/merchant. |
452 | Bat Already Rels | Batch has already been released. |
453 | Invalid Rtng Ind | Invalid Routing Indicator field. |
454 | AX Not Allowed | AMEX not allowed. |
999 | Invalid Merchant | Merchant number not on file. |
Paymentech Debit / EBT Specific Errors
ApprovalCode | Text | Description |
602 | Call Voice Op | Auth center cannot be reached. |
692 | Auth Down-Retry | Debit authorizer temporarily unavailable. |
693 | Auth Busy-Retry | Queue for debit authorizer too long. |
694 | Auth Busy-Retry | Debit authorizer not responding in time. |
Paymentech Batch Management Errors (use the ErrorCode configuration setting to retrieve this information from the PTechHostSettle component.
ErrorCode | Text | Description |
105 | Invalid Term ID | Merchant ID on a Batch Inquiry or Release is incorrect. |
106 | Term Not Active | Active flag for the merchant ID is set to N. |
107 | No Transactions | A Batch Inquiry or Release was requested but no open batch exists. |
108 | Bat Already Rels | A second batch release was attempted. |
109 | Batch Not Found | Requested batch does not exist. |
FDMS North/Nashville
The CaptureFlag, field indicates whether the transaction was successful. If True the transaction was successful. If False there was an error and the ApprovalCode, contains the error message.
Approval Code | Meaning |
CALL CARD CENTER | System problem. |
CVV2 DECLINED | Association indicated the transaction wasn't approved due to mismatch of the CVV2 value, but would have been approved had the CVV2 values matched. |
DECLINED | Decline the sale. |
EXPIRED CARD | Card is expired. |
HOLD - CALL CTR | Problem with card. |
INV ACCT NUM | Invalid card number or prefix. |
INV CREDIT PLAN | Private label message only. |
INV EXP DATE | Invalid expiration date. |
INV MER ID | Merchant is not set up on Host file. |
INV TERM ID | Terminal is not set up on Host file. |
PLEASE RETRY | System time-out or other generic system error. |
REFERRAL | Referral. |
REFERRAL INV TR2 | Referral - Invalid Track II Data. |
REFERRAL INV TR1 | Referral - Invalid Track I Data. |
SERV NOT ALLOWED | Merchant is not entitled to this card type. |
SYS REJECT | Transaction was rejected by the system due to "batch in progress indicators" being turned on. |
Global Payments
The current response codes returned by Global Payments are listed below.
Code field: This value signifies the result of the transaction (i.e. approved, declined, etc). When programmatically validating a transaction's result, this value should ALWAYS be used instead of any response message describing the result. See the table below for a full list of result codes and descriptions.
-100 | Transaction NOT Processed; Generic Host Error. |
0 | Approved. |
2 | Invalid Transaction. |
3 | Invalid Transaction Type. |
3 | Unsupported Transaction Type. |
4 | Invalid Amount. |
4 | Invalid Cash Back Amount. |
5 | Invalid Merchant Information. |
6 | Time Out Waiting for Host Response. |
7 | Field Format Error. See Message and MessageDetail for more info. |
7 | Swiped and Card Present transactions are not supported in Card Not Present markets. |
8 | Not a Transaction Server. |
11 | Client Timeout Waiting for Response. |
12 | Declined. |
14 | Transaction Type Not Supported In This Version. |
19 | Original Transaction Id, PNRef, or Approval Code Not Found. |
20 | Customer Reference Number Not Found. |
22 | Invalid ABA Number. |
23 | Invalid Account Number. |
24 | Invalid Expiration Date. |
25 | Transaction Type Not Supported by Host. |
26 | Invalid Reference Number or PNRef. |
27 | Invalid Receipt Information. |
28 | Invalid Check Holder Name. |
29 | Invalid Check Number. |
30 | Check DL Verification Requires DL State. |
31 | Cannot perform multiple captures on a PreAuth. |
40 | Not Currently Supported. |
50 | Insufficient Funds Available. |
99 | General Error. |
100 | Invalid Transaction Returned from Host. |
101 | Timeout Value too Small or Invalid Time Out Value. |
102 | Processor Not Available. |
103 | Error Reading Response from Host. |
104 | Timeout waiting for Processor Response. |
105 | Credit Error. |
106 | Host Not Available. |
107 | Duplicate Suppression Timeout. |
108 | Void Error/Cannot void a previously voided or settled transaction. |
109 | Timeout Waiting for Host Response. |
110 | Duplicate Transaction. |
111 | Capture Error. |
112 | Failed AVS Check. |
113 | Cannot Exceed Sales Cap / Requested Refund Exceeds Available Refund Amount. |
114 | Cannot refund a voided transaction. |
115 | Sum of Tax, Tip, and Cash Back amount cannot exceed total Amount. |
116 | Unsupported Card Type. |
117 | Only Sales, Repeat Sales, Force Captures, and Post Authorizations can be refunded. |
118 | The amount of a Pre-Auth Complete (Capture) must be less than or equal to the original amount authorized. Please retry. |
200 | A Partial Authorization of a pre-paid card. This is considered an Approved transaction. Check the AuthorizedAmount field for the amount approved. See below for more information. |
1000 | Generic Host Error or General Exception. (Missing or invalid data). See Message and MessageDetail for more info. |
1001 | Invalid Login Information. |
1002 | Insufficient Privilege or Invalid Amount. |
1002 | AVS Only transactions are not supported in E-Commerce markets. |
1002 | Debit/EBT Return transactions must provide the PNRef from the original Sale. Please retry. |
1002 | Zip is required for AVS Only transaction type. |
1003 | Invalid Login Blocked. |
1004 | Invalid Login Deactivated. |
1005 | Transaction Type or Service Not Allowed. |
1006 | Unsupported Processor. |
1007 | Invalid Request Message. |
1008 | Invalid Version / The MAC value is required. |
1010 | Payment Type Not Supported. |
1011 | Error Starting Transaction. |
1012 | Error Finishing Transaction. |
1013 | Error Checking Duplicate. |
1014 | No Records To Settle (in the current batch). |
1015 | No Records To Process (in the current batch). |
HostCode field: Typically, if the transaction is approved, this will be the batch reference number. If the transaction is declined, the HostCode will indicate the reason for the decline. The table below lists the possible HostCode and Message combinations for error conditions.
HostCode | Message | Description |
000 | AP | Approved or Completed Successfully. |
000 | AP NEW INFO | Approved with updated cardholder data. |
000 | PARTIAL AP | Only part of the requested amount was approved. |
001 | CALL AE | Refer to American Express. |
001 | CALL DC | Refer to Diners Club. |
001 | CALL DISCOVER | Refer to Discover. |
001 | CALL ND | Call your Visa/MasterCard Voice Authorization Center. |
001 | CALL TK | Refer to TeleCheck. |
001 | CALL XXXXXXXXXX | Call indicated number. |
001 | ISSUER UNAVAIL | Global Payments cannot contact issuing bank for authorization. |
002 | CALL AE | Touchtone capture, won't roll to an operator. |
002 | CALL DC | Touchtone capture, won't roll to an operator. |
002 | CALL DISCOVER | Touchtone capture, won't roll to an operator. |
002 | CALL ND | Touchtone capture, won't roll to an operator. |
002 | CALL XXXXXXXXXX | Touchtone capture, won't roll to an operator. |
002 | ISSUER UNAVAIL | Touchtone capture, won't roll to an operator. |
003 | INVLD MERCH ID | Invalid Merchant ID. |
004 | PIC UP | Authorization Declined. |
005 | DECLINE | Authorization Declined. |
005 | DECLINE NEW INFO | Update cardholder data. |
005 | DECLINE TRY LATER | Try again in 3 days. |
005 | REVK PAY ORDERED | Stop payment of a specific recurring payment. |
005 | STOP PAY ORDERED | Stop all future recurring payments. |
006 | REVERSED | Requested transaction reversal was successful. |
007 | DECLINE-CV2 FAIL | Response for CVV2 failure. Declined. (Visa). |
008 | AP WITH ID | Approved with positive ID. Host does not capture this transaction. |
012 | INVLD TRAN CODE | Processing code entered is incorrect. Please refer to valid processing code. |
013 | INVLD AMOUNT | Amount entered is invalid. |
014 | INVLD ACCT | Account number does not pass issuer's edit checks. |
014 | INVLD CODE ACCT | Valid account number matched with a transaction code for a different card type. |
014 | INVLD CID | American Express CID failure. |
019 | PLEASE RETRY | Retry the transaction. |
054 | INVLD EXP DATE | Expiration date entered is incorrect. |
055 | PIN INVALID | Incorrect PIN entered. |
058 | UNAUTH TRANS | Merchant not set up for transaction code used. |
075 | MAX PIN RETRIES | Maximum PIN number entry attempts exceeded. |
094 | AP DUPE | Transaction entered is a duplicate. |
0C1 | SYSTEM UNAVAILABLE | Global Payments Check System unavailable. |
0N2 | INV AMT MATCH | The amount entered for a void or adjustment transaction does not match the amount stored in the host for that item. |
0N3 | INV ITEM NUM | The item number entered for a void or adjustment transaction is incorrect. |
0N4 | ITEM VOIDED | An adjustment or item review was attempted on a transaction previously voided. |
0N5 | MUST BALANCE NOW | Terminal has not been balanced within time specified in the Global Payments Merchant Master File for this merchant. |
0N6 | USE DUP THEN BAL | Originating device has not been balanced within time specified in the Global Payments Merchant Master File for this merchant, but merchant is set up to perform extra transactions before balancing. |
0N7 | NO DUP FOUND | Override transaction is attempted on a non-duplicated transaction. |
0N8 | INVALID DATA | Format of the transaction is incorrect. |
0NA | NO TRANS FOUND | Reversal transaction is attempted on a transaction that is not in the open batch on the host. |
0NC | AP NOT CAPTURED | Approved but not captured (applies only to credit card transactions)- stand in. |
0NE | AP AUTH-ONLY | Approved but this EDC merchant is not set up to capture this card type (applies only to credit card transactions). |
PART AP AUTH-ONLY | Only part of the requested amount was approved, but this EDC merchant is not set up to capture this card type (applies only to credit card transactions). | |
0P1 | APPROVED | Approved debit card transaction. |
0P2 | DB UNAVAIL 02 | Global Payments is experiencing a problem. |
0P5 | UNAUTH USER | Merchant is not set up for debit on Global Payments Merchant Master File. |
0P6 | INVALID CARD | Invalid card number. |
0T1 | EDC UNAVAILABLE | EDC application down, try later. |
0T2 | DB UNAVAIL 01 | Debit application down, try later. |
121 | EXCEEDS MAX AMT | Exceeds withdrawal amount limit. |
121 | EXCEEDS MAX AMT | Exceeds withdrawal amount limit. |
CVVResultCode field: This value is only applicable to credit card transactions. The card verification number is typically printed on the back of the card and not embossed on the front. It is used as an extra authentication method for "card not present" transactions. When programmatically validating a CV Result, this value should ALWAYS be used instead of any formatted response message describing the result, contained in the CVVResultMessage field.
The following table lists the possible CVV result codes:
Value | Description |
M | CVV2/CVC2/CID Match |
N | CVV2/CVC2/CID No Match |
P | Not Processed |
S | Issuer indicates that the CV data should be present on the card, but the merchant has indicated that the CV data is not present on the card. |
U | Unknown / Issuer has not certified for CV or issuer has not provided Visa/MasterCard with the |
CV | encryption keys. |
X | Server Provider did not respond |
AVSResultCode field: When programmatically validating an AVS Result, this value should ALWAYS be used instead of any formatted AVSResultMessage describing the result. The following table lists the possible AVS result codes:
X | Exact: Address and nine-digit Zip match. |
Y | Yes: Address and five-digit Zip match. |
A | Address: Address matches, Zip does not. |
Z | 5-digit Zip: 5-digit Zip matches, address doesn't. |
W | Whole Zip: 9-digit Zip matches, address doesn't. |
N | No: Neither address nor Zip matches. |
U | Unavailable: Address information not available. |
G | Unavailable: Address information not available for international transaction. |
R | Retry: System unavailable or time-out. |
E | Error: Transaction unintelligible for AVS or edit error found in the message that prevents AVS from being performed. |
S | Not Supported: Issuer doesn't support AVS service. |
B | * Street Match: Street addresses match for international transaction, but postal code doesn't. |
C | * Street Address: Street addresses and postal code not verified for international transaction. |
D | * Match: Street addresses and postal codes match for international transaction. |
I | * Not Verified: Address Information not verified for International transaction. |
M | * Match: Street addresses and postal codes match for international transaction. |
P | * Postal Match: Postal codes match for international transaction, but street address doesn't. |
0 | ** No response sent. |
5 | Invalid AVS response. |
* These values are Visa specific.
** These values are returned by the Global Transport Gateway and not the issuing bank.
FDMS Rapid Connect
Possible response codes returned by FDMS Rapid Connect are listed below along with a textual description.
Code | Description |
000 | Approved |
001 | Schema Validation Error |
002 | Approved for partial amount |
003 | Approved VIP |
100 | Do not honor |
101 | Expired card |
102 | Suspected fraud |
104 | Restricted card |
105 | Call acquirer's security department |
106 | Allowable PIN tries exceeded |
107 | Call for authorization |
108 | Refer to issuer's special conditions |
109 | Invalid merchant. The merchant is not in the merchant database or the merchant is not permitted to use this particular card |
110 | Invalid amount |
114 | Invalid account type |
116 | Not sufficient funds |
117 | Incorrect PIN |
118 | No card record |
119 | Transaction not permitted to cardholder |
120 | Transaction not permitted to terminal |
121 | Exceeds withdrawal amount |
122 | Security violation |
123 | Exceeds withdrawal frequency limit |
124 | Violation of law |
129 | Suspected counterfeit card |
130 | Invalid terminal |
131 | Invalid account number |
132 | Unmatched card expiry date |
150 | Invalid merchant set up |
151 | Activation failed |
152 | Exceeds limit |
153 | Already redeemed |
154 | Over monthly limit |
155 | Recharge amount exceeded |
156 | Max number of recharges exceeded |
157 | Invalid entry |
208 | Lost card |
209 | Stolen card |
302 | Account closed. The account was closed, probably because the account balance was $0.00 |
303 | Unknown account. The account could not be located in the account table |
304 | Inactive account. The account has not been activated by an approved location |
308 | Already active. The card is already active and does not need to be reactivated |
311 | Not lost or stolen |
315 | Bad mag stripe. The mag stripe could not be parsed for account information |
316 | Incorrect location. There was a problem with the merchant location |
317 | Max balance exceeded. The transaction, if completed, would cause the account balance to be exceeded by the max_balance as specified in the promotion. Some merchants set the max_balance to a value twice the max transaction amount |
318 | Invalid amount. There was a problem with the amount field in the transaction format - more or less than min/max amounts specified in the promotion for that transaction |
319 | Invalid clerk. The clerk field was either missing, when required, or the content did not match the requirements |
320 | Invalid password |
321 | Invalid new password. The new password does not meet the minimum security criteria |
322 | Exceeded account reloads. The clerk/user/location was only permitted to reload some number of accounts. That number was exceeded. (See your Business Manager in order to extend this limit.) |
323 | Password retry exceeded. The user account has been frozen because the user attempted access and was denied. Seek management assistance |
326 | Incorrect transaction version or format number for POS transactions |
327 | Request not permitted by this account |
328 | Request not permitted by this merchant location |
329 | Bad_repay_date |
330 | Bad checksum. The checksum provided is incorrect |
331 | Balance not available (denial). Due to an internal First Data Prepaid Closed Loop issue, information from this account could not be retrieved |
332 | Account locked |
333 | No previous transaction. The void or reversal transaction could not be matched to a previous (original) transaction. In the case of a pre-auth redemption, the corresponding locking transaction could not be identified |
334 | Already reversed |
336 | Bad Authorization ID. The Authorization ID test failed |
337 | Too many transactions requested |
338 | No transactions available/no more transactions available. There are no transactions for this account or there are no transactions as determined by the specified first transaction number |
339 | Transaction history not available |
340 | New password required |
341 | Invalid status change. The status change requested (e.g. lost/stolen, freeze active card) cannot be performed |
342 | Void of activation after account activity |
343 | No phone service. Attempted a calling card transaction on an account which is not configured for calling card activity |
344 | Internet access disabled |
355 | Invalid currency. The provided currency is invalid |
357 | Currency conversion error |
359 | The terminal transaction number did not match (on a void or reversal). |
367 | Target embossed card entered and Transaction count entered do not match |
368 | No account link |
369 | Invalid time zone |
370 | Account on hold |
372 | Promo location restricted |
373 | Invalid Card Account |
374 | Product code(s) restricted |
375 | Bad Post Date. The Post Date is not a valid date. |
376 | Account status is void lock |
377 | Already active and reloadable |
378 | Account is Purged. The Account record was purged from the database. |
380 | Bulk activation error |
381 | Bulk activation un-attempted error |
382 | Bulk activation package amount error |
383 | Store location zero not allowed |
384 | Account row locked |
385 | Accepted but not yet processed |
401 | Offer Processing Error |
402 | TransArmor Service Unavailable |
403 | TransArmor Invalid Token or Account Number |
404 | TransArmor Key Error |
500 | Decline |
501 | Date of Birth Error for Check Processing |
502 | Invalid State Code |
503 | New Account Information |
504 | Do not try again |
505 | Please retry |
506 | Invalid Checking Account Number |
507 | New Account Information available |
508 | Try again later - Declined: Association's payment cancellation advice code provided. Applies to recurring authorizations only. These are examples of what may have occurred: the account is over the credit limit try again in 72 hours. |
509 | Do not try again - Applies to recurring authorizations only. The card has expired |
510 | New Account Information - Applies to recurring authorizations only. The card has expired |
511 | Try again later - Applies to recurring authorizations only. The card has expired. Get the new expiration date and try again. |
512 | Service not allowed |
513 | Decline. Transaction not permitted to acquirer or terminal |
514 | Do not try again - Applies to recurring authorizations only. There was security violation |
515 | Declined. No term record on First Data system |
516 | Please retry - Reasons for this error are one of the following: Format Error, Unable to route transaction, Switch or issuer unavailable, System Busy, Timeout |
517 | CVV2 Declined |
518 | Invalid account/date or sales date in future |
519 | Invalid Effective Date |
520 | Reversal Rejected. Do not try again. |
521 | Enter lesser amount |
522 | Cash Back greater than total Transaction amount |
523 | Crypto box is offline |
524 | Debit Switch unavailable Timeout Retry - Communications link to debit/EBT network gateway is down or responded with a "System Malfunction (96)" message |
525 | Debit/EBT network gateway cannot get through to the ISSUER. |
526 | Undefined Card - Debit/EBT network gateway cannot route card based on Merchant Entitlement |
527 | Network Response indicates that Merchant ID / SE is invalid |
528 | Debit/EBT transaction count exceeds pre-determined limit in specified time/ Withdrawal limit exceeded. |
529 | Resubmission of transaction violates debit/EBT network frequency |
530 | The authorizing network has a problem decrypting the cryptogram in the request |
532 | The DUKPT Base Derivation key is missing or incorrect in the PIN pad, or PIN key synchronization error. |
540 | Edit Honor |
541 | No Savings Account |
542 | DUKPT: An error while processing the PIN block that is not related to the point-of-sale equipment. Contact the Help Desk for assistance. |
550 | Invalid Vehicle |
551 | Invalid Driver |
552 | Invalid Product |
553 | Exceeds transaction total limit per product class. |
554 | Over daily limit |
555 | Invalid Date/Time |
556 | Exceeds quantity |
557 | Invalid prompt entry |
558 | Invalid Track 2 data |
559 | Voyager ID problem |
560 | Invalid Odometer |
561 | Invalid Restriction Code |
562 | Pay at pump not allowed |
563 | Over fuel limit |
564 | Over cash limit |
565 | Fuel price error |
566 | Y or N required |
567 | Over repair limit |
568 | Over additive limit |
569 | Invalid user |
701 | Approved EMV Key Load |
702 | EMV Key Download Error |
703 | Approved EMV Key Load, more key load data pending |
704 | Pick Up Card |
708 | Honor With Authentication |
721 | Invalid ZIP Code |
722 | Invalid value in the field |
723 | Driver's License or ID is Required |
724 | Referred - Not Active |
726 | Unable to Locate Record On File |
727 | Refer - Call Authorization (Checks only) |
728 | Referred - Skip Trace Info |
729 | Hard Negative Info On File |
731 | Rejected Lost/Stolen Checks |
740 | Totals Unavailable |
767 | Hard Capture; Pick Up |
771 | Amount Too Large |
772 | Duplicate Return |
773 | Unsuccessful |
774 | Duplicate Reversal |
775 | Subsystem Unavailable |
776 | Duplicate Completion |
782 | Count Exceeds Limit |
785 | No reason to decline. |
790 | Not approved. Used only in Visa bill/recurring payment. Merchant must not resubmit same transaction but may continue billing process in subsequent billing period. |
791 | Not approved. Used only in Visa bill/recurring payment. Merchant must stop recurring payment requests. |
792 | See attendant. |
801 | Over merchandise limit |
802 | Imprint card |
803 | Not on file |
804 | Fuel only |
805 | Velocity exceeded |
806 | Authorization ID needed |
807 | Over non-fuel limit |
808 | Invalid location |
809 | Over card velocity count |
810 | Over card velocity amount |
811 | Over issuer velocity count |
812 | Over issuer velocity amount |
813 | Over merchant daily velocity count |
814 | Over merchant daily velocity amount |
815 | Over merchant daily velocity both |
816 | Over merchant product velocity amount |
817 | Over merchant product velocity count |
818 | Over merchant product velocity both |
819 | Over chain daily velocity count |
820 | Over chain daily velocity amount |
821 | Over chain daily velocity both |
822 | Over chain product velocity count |
823 | Over chain product velocity both |
824 | Over chain product velocity amount |
825 | No chain ID for chain merchant |
826 | Signature required |
902 | Invalid transaction. This card or terminal is not permitted to perform this transaction, or the transaction type is invalid, or First Data is unable to route a refund request to the network. |
904 | Format error. |
906 | System Error. There is a problem with the host processing system. Call your helpdesk or operations support. |
907 | Card issuer or switch inoperative |
908 | Transaction destination not found. |
909 | System malfunction |
911 | Card issuer timed out |
913 | Duplicate transaction. |
914 | Void/Full Reversal requests in which the Original Authorization was not found. |
915 | Timeout Reversal not supported Resend the original transaction. |
920 | Security H/W or S/W error - try again |
921 | Security H/W or S/W error - no action |
923 | Request in progress |
924 | Limit check failed |
940 | Error. |
941 | Invalid issuer |
942 | Customer cancellation |
944 | Invalid response |
950 | Violation of business arrangement |
954 | CCV failed. |
958 | CCV2 failed |
959 | CAV failed |
963 | Acquirer channel unavailable |