Direct Payment Integrator V6 - Online Help
Direct Payment Integrator V6
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ClientRef Property

Uniquely identifies the transaction within the Datawire system.


property ClientRef: String;

Default Value



The ClientRef (Client Reference Number) uniquely identifies the packet sent by the application to the Datawire system. This parameter stores some unique token of information, and is used to match the response to the initial request sent. For example, the client application could use a static counter that is increased with the each executed request.

The maximum length of this property is 14 alphanumeric characters.

The FDMS recommended format is "tttttttVnnnrrr" where ttttttt is a 7 digit transaction id, V is a constant, nnn is a 3 digit version number and rrr is a 3 digit revision number. The 6 digit version and revision number is typically static but unique for an application (Example: Version 2.5 = tttttttV002500).

The entire TransactionNumber must be unique within a 24 hour time period.

Note: If a value is not specified, the component will generate a value for you. The transaction id will be generated based on the current time (hour of day and minutes) along with the TransactionNumber specified. The version number is hard-coded based on the current library version which is 6.0 (006000).

Data Type


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