Direct Payment Integrator V6 - Online Help
Direct Payment Integrator V6
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Response Property

Contains the response to an authorization request.


public FDMSOmahaResponse getResponse();


This property will contain the response returned from the FDMS server. It should be inspected (and logged) after an authorization to determine if the transaction was approved. The FDMSOmahaResponse type contains the following fields:

AuthCode The Authorization Code returned from the server after a successful transaction authorization.
AuthorizedAmount When supporting partial authorizations, this is the amount actually charged to the credit card.
AVSResult Contains the Address Verification System result code.
Balance Contains the remaining available balance left on the card.
BatchNumber Number identifying the batch assigned by the POS device.
CommercialCard Indicates whether the credit card charged is a corporate commercial card.
CVVResult Contains the returned CVV result code (if CVV data was sent in the request).
DebitNetworkName The name of the network through which the debit card was processed.
DebitNetworkNumber The number of the debit network through which the debit card was processed.
EBTResponseCode The response code sent by the network that processed the transaction.
RequestedAmount The amount entered at the Point of Sale device to be authorized.
ReturnedACI Returned Authorization Characteristics Indicator contains CPS qualification status.
RevisionNumber Revision number of the online transaction.
Success Determines whether the transaction was successful.
Text Message from the Host describing the transaction.
TransactionId Contains the Visa Transaction Identifier or MasterCard Reference Number.
TransactionNumber Number of the transaction in the batch as specified by the Point of Sale device.

This property is read-only.

Default Value

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