Level2DiscountAmount Property
This property contains the discount amount for the purchase.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getLevel2DiscountAmount(); public function setLevel2DiscountAmount($value);
Procedural Interface
inpaydirect_fdmsrcecommerce_get($res, 17 ); inpaydirect_fdmsrcecommerce_set($res, 17, $value );
Default Value
This property contains the discount amount for the purchase.
This property is required for Visa, MasterCard, and American Express purchase card transactions when a discount has been applied.
This amount is to be presented with an implied decimal point. For example, US $10.00 must be represented as 1000, and $0.10 is likewise simply 10. The positioning of any implied decimal point is dictated by the CurrencyCode. The default currency code is for the United States.
The maximum number of digits allowed is 12 regardless of the position of the implied decimal point. This property may not contain a negative number.
Data Type