Direct Payment Integrator V6 - Online Help
Direct Payment Integrator V6
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SpecificPoll Event

Fired when a specific poll request is received from the host.


Public Event OnSpecificPoll As OnSpecificPollHandler
public event OnSpecificPollHandler OnSpecificPoll;

public delegate void OnSpecificPollHandler(object sender, FdmsomahabatchmgrSpecificPollEventArgs e);

class FdmsomahabatchmgrSpecificPollEventArgs : EventArgs {
  int TransactionNumber {get;}
  string Aggregate {get; set;}


This event fires when a specific poll request is received (which occurs when the host is out-of-balance with the Total Amount specified). Note that this is only applicable when manually handling the batch close details (occurs when setting CreditBatchAmount and DebitBatchAmount). Otherwise the component will compute batch details and handle all revision and specific poll inquiries.

TransactionNumber is used to identify the transaction number requested by the host.

Aggregate should be set to the detail aggregate for the specified TransactionNumber. The component will then use the detail aggregate data to build and send the specific poll response to the host.

If no aggregate is specified, the component will send a negative response to the specific poll inquiry.

Note FDMS does have time constraints on when a response should be sent and received by the host which can be as low as 4 seconds. Therefore the handling and specifying of the Aggregate should occur in a timely manner to ensure that all requests/responses can be processed without the connection being closed.

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Build 6.0.6240.0