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Direct Payment Integrator V6
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VerifyCard Method

Performs a zero dollar verification of the card.


Public Sub VerifyCard()
public void VerifyCard();


This method performs a card verification without charging any funds. This can be used to simply verify if the card is valid, or perform AVS and CVV checks without actually charging any funds to the card.

When calling this method TransactionAmount must be set to 0. Set either CustomerAddress or CustomerZip to perform AVS checks. Set CVVData to perform CVV checks.

The following combinations are supported:

Card TypeVerificationw/ AVSw/ CVVw/ AVS and CVVSwiped w/ AVS
Visa Y Y Y N Y
MasterCard Y Y Y Y Y
American ExpressN Y N N Y
Discover Y Y Y Y Y
JCB (Domestic US)N N N N N
Diners Club Y Y Y Y Y

Important Note: You must ping your list of service provider URLs and update the URL property to the service provider with the shortest response time every 100 transactions, as well as when your application initially starts. This is not a normal ICMP ping - to determine the fastest transaction URL you must use the special Ping method inside the FDMSRegister component. (You may update your list of service provider URLs with the FDMSRegister component's ServiceDiscovery method).

Retail VerifyCard Example

retail.TPPID = "AAA000";
retail.MerchantTerminalNumber = "00000001";
retail.MerchantId = "1234";
retail.GroupId = "20001";
retail.DatawireId = "00011122233344455566";
retail.ApplicationId = "RAPIDCONNECTVXN";
retail.URL = "";

retail.IndustryType = FdmsrcretailIndustryTypes.fritRetail;
retail.URL = "";

retail.STAN = "112";
retail.TransactionNumber = "1234";
retail.ReferenceNumber = "123";
retail.TransactionAmount = "0";

retail.CustomerZip = "11747";

//Card data must be manually keyed
retail.Card.Number = "373953123443227";
retail.Card.ExpMonth = 12;
retail.Card.ExpYear = 2018;
retail.Card.EntryDataSource = EntryDataSources.edsManualEntryTrack1Capable;


NOTE: This method has a corresponding asynchronous version (VerifyCardAsync) for use in the WinRT environment.

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Build 6.0.6240.0