Direct Payment Integrator V6 - Online Help
Direct Payment Integrator V6
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AdjustTransaction Method

Sends Level 3 transaction requests.


Public Sub AdjustTransaction()
public void AdjustTransaction();


This method allows you to add Level 3 data to a previously authorized transaction. If the adjustment request was successful, the Code property will contain "200". Response will contain additional details about the authorization request.

Minimum required properties:

If you wish to also add LineItems data, the following properties are required to do so:

When adding LineItems data, the component will send a separate adjustment request for each line item. If a line item request fails to adjust successfully, the component throws an exception. The error message will contain the index of the failed line item. Code and Text will contain additional details about why the line item failed.

If a timeout occurs during the adjustment request, you will want to use the TSYSHCTransactionDetails component to issue a GetDetails request. If the request was received by the TSYS server, the GetDetails response will contain the adjusted values and no other steps are necessary. If the request was not received by the TSYS server, the GetDetails response will show that the adjusted values were not updated. Therefore the adjustment request should be resent.

NOTE: This method has a corresponding asynchronous version (AdjustTransactionAsync) for use in the WinRT environment.

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Build 6.0.6240.0