EncryptedPIN Property
DUKPT DES encrypted pin block, retrieved from a PIN pad.
[VB.NET] Public Property EncryptedPIN As String
[C#] public string EncryptedPIN {get; set;}
A 16-byte encrypted PIN and associated KSN are required for all debit Sale and Credit transactions. These values must be retrieved from a certified DUKPT DES pin pad device.
The EncryptedPIN and KSN are not required for ReverseLastTransaction transactions.
The following code snippet shows how to send a simple debit sale transaction with all required properties.
FDMSDebit1.MerchantNumber = "YOURNUMBER" FDMSDebit1.MerchantTerminalNumber = "YOURTERMID" FDMSDebit1.DatawireId = "YOURDID" FDMSDebit1.URL = "https://staging1.datawire.net/sd"; // test server FDMSDebit1.TransactionNumber = 4; FDMSDebit1.TransactionAmount = "100"; FDMSDebit1.Card.EntryDataSource = edsTrack2; FDMSDebit1.Card.MagneticStripe = "9876543210012341234=12041200000001"; // (pin 1234) FDMSDebit1.EncryptedPIN = "0082943935BA205D"; FDMSDebit1.KSN = "8765432109003000012"; FDMSDebit1.ReceiptNumber = "123456"; FDMSDebit1.Sale();If the transaction is successful, the ApprovalCode will start with "AP", and the CaptureFlag will be true. Even though debit transactions are on-line transactions, it is still necessary to settle them with First Data. The following example shows how to send a simple settlement. The first thing to do is to set up the FDMSSettle component's properties with the same information used for the debit sale:
FDMSSettle1.MerchantNumber = FDMSDebit1.MerchantNumber; FDMSSettle1.MerchantTerminalNumber = FDMSDebit1.MerchantTerminalNumber; FDMSSettle1.DatawireId = FDMSDebit1.DatawireId; FDMSSettle1.URL = FDMSDebit1.URL; FDMSSettle1.MerchantServiceNumber = "8001234567"; FDMSSettle1.BatchSequenceNumber = "101"; FDMSSettle1.IndustryType = itRetail;Then all that needs to be done is add the detail record from the debit sale to the settlement component and call the SendSettlement method.
FDMSSettle1.DetailRecords.Add(new FDMSRecordType(FDMSDebit1.GetDetailAggregate()); FDMSSettle1.SendSettlement();Note that in a live system you would store detail records in a database and send multiple records in a single batch at the end of the business day.
Default Value