EDI Integrator 2016 Linux Edition
EDI Integrator 2016 Linux Edition
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Log Event

Fires with log information during processing.


 virtual int FireLog(AS2SenderLogEventParams *e);

typedef struct {
char* LogType;
char* LogMessage;
int lenLogMessage;
int reserved;
} AS2SenderLogEventParams;


This event fires during processing with log information. This may be used to obtain the same information that will be written to file if LogDirectory is specified, but without relying on files.

LogMessage holds the raw log data.

LogType indicates the type of log. Possible values are:

"LOG" Information about the status of the process.
"ERR" An error was encountered.
"DAT" The EDI payload.
"REQ" The raw request
"MDN" The MDN response.
"DEBUG" Debug information.
"DAT.INPUT" Debug information when processing payload. Only applicable when LogDebug is True.
"DAT.ENCRYPT" Debug information when processing payload. Only applicable when LogDebug is True.
"DAT.COMPRESS" Debug information when processing payload. Only applicable when LogDebug is True.
"DAT.SIGN" Debug information when processing payload. Only applicable when LogDebug is True.
"DAT.DECRYPT" Debug information when processing payload. Only applicable when LogDebug is True.
"DAT.DECOMPRESS" Debug information when processing payload. Only applicable when LogDebug is True.
"DAT.VERIFY" Debug information when processing payload. Only applicable when LogDebug is True.
"DAT.DEBUG" Debug information when processing payload. Only applicable when LogDebug is True.

Copyright (c) 2019 /n software inc. - All rights reserved.
EDI Integrator 2016 Linux Edition - Version 16.0 [Build 7240]