EBData Type

The EDI payload of the AS4 message.


The EDI payload of the AS4 message.



This field contains the EDI payload of the transmission.

When sending files this may be specified to the data to be sent. This can be used as an alternative to setting Filename.

When receiving files this will only be populated if IncomingDirectory and OutputStream have not been specified and ParseRequest finishes without an error. If so, Data will contain the full decrypted text of the EDI message.


This field contains the EDI payload of the transmission.

When sending files this may be specified to the data to be sent. This can be used as an alternative to setting Filename.

When receiving files this will only be populated if IncomingDirectory and OutputStream have not been specified and ParseRequest finishes without an error. If so, Data will contain the full decrypted text of the EDI message.


The Content-Type of the EDI message. Sample values are "application/edi-x12", "application/edifact" or "application/xml".


When sending, if Filename is specified, the file specified will be used for the EDI payload of the transmission. Name will be populated with the name of the file.

When receiving, if IncomingDirectory is set, this will be populated with the name of the file which contains the processed message contents.

Note: When OutputStream is set, the data will be written to the stream and this field will not be populated.


When sending, if InputStream is specified, the data from the specified stream will be used for the EDI payload of the transmission.


Name is the final name to be associated with the contents of either the Data or FileName fields. This corresponds to the filename attribute of the Content-Disposition header for the EDI payload.

When constructing EDI data to be sent, Name will be set to the same value as FileName, but can be overridden after setting FileName to indicate that another name should be used in the outbound request's Content-Disposition MIME header.

When receiving EDI data, Name will be read out of the "filename" attribute of the inbound request's Content-Disposition MIME header.


When using AS4Server to receive files, if this field is set, the EDI payload will be written to this stream if ParseRequest finishes without an error. If so, the specified stream will contain the full decrypted text of the EDI message.

This setting is not applicable to AS4Client.


The number of properties for this file.

Each file may contain zero or more properties associated with it. This property, in conjunction with PropertyIndex, PropertyName, and PropertyValue can be used to specify properties when sending and read properties when receiving.


When sending files to add properties set PropertyCount to specify the number of properties. Then set PropertyIndex to select the property. Set PropertyName and PropertyValue to define the values for the property at PropertyIndex. For instance:

data = new EBData();
data.EDIType = "image/jpeg";
data.Filename = "..\\1.jpg";
data.Name = "1.jpg";
data.PropertyCount = 2; //Define two properties
data.PropertyIndex = 0; //Select the first property
data.PropertyName = "name1";
data.PropertyValue = "value1";
data.PropertyIndex = 1; //Select the second property
data.PropertyName = "name2";
data.PropertyValue = "value2";


When receiving files these properties may be queried to retrieve the values set by the sender. Inspect PropertyCount to obtain the number of properties. Next set PropertyIndex to select a property and query PropertyName and PropertyValue. For instance:

for (int i = 0; i < server.EDIData[0].PropertyCount;i++)
  server.EDIData[0].PropertyIndex = i;
  Console.WriteLine(server.EDIData[0].PropertyName + ": " + server.EDIData[0].PropertyValue);


Selects a property at the specified index.


The name of the property.


The value of the property.


The SchemaLocation, SchemaNamespace, and SchemaVersion optionally define the schema that applies to this particular file. This may be used by the receiving party to properly interpret the file data.

Schema information is not required, but if schema information is included SchemaLocation is required and must be set to the URI of the schema.

This value corresponds to the ebMS element "eb:Messaging/eb:UserMessage/eb:PayloadInfo/eb:PartInfo/eb:Schema@location"


The namespace of the schema. This field is optional. Refer to SchemaLocation for details.

This value corresponds to the ebMS element "eb:Messaging/eb:UserMessage/eb:PayloadInfo/eb:PartInfo/eb:Schema@namespace"


The version of the schema. This field is optional. Refer to SchemaLocation for details.

This value corresponds to the ebMS element "eb:Messaging/eb:UserMessage/eb:PayloadInfo/eb:PartInfo/eb:Schema@namespace"


public EBData();
Public EBData()
public EBData(byte[] data, string EDIType);
Public EBData(ByVal Data As Byte(), ByVal EDIType As String)
public EBData(string filename, string EDIType);
Public EBData(ByVal Filename As String, ByVal EDIType As String)

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IPWorks EDI 2020 .NET Edition - Version 20.0 [Build 8203]