InputFormat Property

The format of the input data.


public Hl7translatorInputFormats InputFormat { get; set; }

enum Hl7translatorInputFormats { hifXML, hifJSON, hifHL7 }
Public Property InputFormat As Hl7translatorInputFormats

Enum Hl7translatorInputFormats hifXML hifJSON hifHL7 End Enum

Default Value



This property specifies the format of the input data. The value set here, along with OutputFormat, determines how the data is converted when Translate is called.

Possible values are:

  • 0 (ifXML)
  • 1 (ifJSON)
  • 6 (ifHL7)
Before calling Translate, both InputFormat and OutputFormat must be specified. Translation from XML or JSON to EDI and vice versa are supported. If InputFormat is ifXML or ifJSON, OutputFormat must be an EDI format. Similarly, if InputFormat is an EDI format, OutputFormat must be ofXML or ofJSON.

This property is not available at design time.

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IPWorks EDI 2020 .NET Edition - Version 20.0 [Build 8203]