MessagePart Type
A message part of a message listing.
Messages are split into message parts. Each MessagePart
is specified by a unique identifier, namely the Id field.
Each part contains data, and other fields describing that part.
| |
ContentDisposition String |
This field shows the value of the Content-Disposition header of the message part.
ContentEncoding String |
This field shows how the data is encoded.
ContentId String |
This field shows the value of the Content-Id header of the message part.
ContentType String |
This field shows the type of data contained in the message part.
Filename String |
This field shows the filename corresponding
to the part (if the part was included in the message as
an attached file).
Id String |
This field contains the identifier of a part listing which
may be identified in other parts or messages. The format
of part identifiers is specified by the IMAP RFCs.
MultipartMode String |
This field shows how this part
relates to the message's whole multipart structure
('mixed', 'alternative', etc.).
Parameters String |
This field contains the additional parameters passed
to the ContentType header such as the part charset etc.
Size Long |
This field contains the size of a part in a message part listing.