IPWorks EDI 2020 Python Edition

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save_profile Method

Saves the profile of the trading partner identified by partnerOrganization .


def save_profile(partner_organization: str) -> None: ...


If the partnerOrganization is not "self", the properties of AS2ProfileMgr are saved to the XML file partner.cfg placed in a sub-directory within data_dir. The name of the sub-directory is derived from partnerOrganization. In addition to saving the partner profile, SaveProfile also creates the following directories if create_dir_struct is set to true.

dir_deletedDeleted files.
dir_incomingReceived files.
dir_logsLog files.
dir_outgoingFiles to be sent.
dir_pendingFiles pending async MDN.
dir_pending_infoFiles having data to verify async MSN.
dir_sentSent files.

Although any number of properties may be saved to the partner profile, the following are interpreted by AS2Sender and AS2Receiver classes.

Partner Settings

If the partnerOrganization specified is "self", the properties of AS2ProfileMgr are saved to the XML file me.cfg placed in data_dir.

Although any number of properties may be saved to the self profile, the following are interpreted by AS2Sender and AS2Receiver classes.

My Settings

Note: "self" cannot be the name of a trading partner organization.

Copyright (c) 2022 /n software inc. - All rights reserved.
IPWorks EDI 2020 Python Edition - Version 20.0 [Build 8203]