UpdateContact Method
Update a Google contact.
int UpdateContact();
The class will update the Google contact specified by ContactEditURL. It will update the Google contact with the elements values contained within the following properties:
- FirstName
- LastName
- FullName
- Birthday
- HomeEmailAddress
- WorkEmailAddress
- HomePhoneNumber
- WorkPhoneNumber
- MobilePhoneNumber
- HomeIMAddress
- HomeIMProtocol
- WorkIMAddress
- WorkIMProtocol
- HomeAddress
- WorkAddress
- HomeWebsite
- WorkWebsite
- Nickname
- Gender
- Notes
- Deleted
- ContactEditURL
- ContactETag
- ContactProperties
Prior to calling UpdateContact, you must specify a ContactETag value so that an "If-Match" header is sent (note this property is set automatically when ContactIndex is set). To ensure that you do not update a contact that has been changed, set ContactETag to the contact's ETag value. Setting ContactETag to "*", will update the contact regardless of whether it has been updated or not.
Upon a successful update, the response will be parsed and the above listed properties will be populated. Thus all previous contacts contained by the component, prior to the UpdateContact call, will be cleared and replaced with the response contact data. OtherHeaders will also be cleared and thus will need to be reset accordingly with each call made.