
Welcome to IPWorks EDI Translator, a suite of enterprise-class software components that facilitate Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) mapping and translation for all major EDI formats, including X12, EDIFACT, HL7, TRADACOMS, etc.

Included Classes

EDIFACTReaderThe EDIFACTReader component is optimized for EDIFACT documents, providing a simple way to parse EDIFACT documents.
EDIFACTTranslatorThe EDIFACTTranslator component is optimized for EDIFACT translation, providing a simple way to convert EDIFACT documents to and from XML or JSON.
EDIFACTValidatorEDIFACTValidator is a lightweight EDI validation component designed for simple document validation.
EDIFACTWriterThe EDIFACTWriter component is optimized for EDIFACT documents, providing a simple way to create EDIFACT documents.
HL7ReaderThe HL7Reader component is optimized for HL7 documents, providing a simple way to parse HL7 documents.
HL7TranslatorThe HL7Translator component is optimized for HL7 translation, providing a simple way to convert HL7 documents to and from XML or JSON.
HL7ValidatorHL7Validator is a lightweight EDI validation component designed for simple document validation.
HL7WriterThe HL7Writer component is optimized for HL7 documents, providing a simple way to create HL7 documents.
TRADACOMSReaderThe TRADACOMSReader component is optimized for TRADACOMS documents, providing a simple way to parse TRADACOMS documents.
TRADACOMSTranslatorThe TRADACOMSTranslator component is optimized for TRADACOMS translation, providing a simple way to convert TRADACOMS documents to and from XML or JSON.
TRADACOMSValidatorTRADACOMSValidator is a lightweight EDI validation component designed for simple document validation.
TRADACOMSWriterThe TRADACOMSWriter component is optimized for TRADACOMS documents, providing a simple way to create TRADACOMS documents.
VDAReaderThe VDAReader component is optimized for VDA documents, providing a simple way to parse VDA documents.
VDATranslatorThe VDATranslator component is optimized for VDA translation, providing a simple way to convert VDA documents to and from XML or JSON.
VDAValidatorVDAValidator is a lightweight EDI validation component designed for simple document validation.
VDAWriterThe VDAWriter component is optimized for VDA documents, providing a simple way to create VDA documents.
X12ReaderThe X12Reader component is optimized for X12 documents, providing a simple way to parse X12 documents.
X12TranslatorThe X12Translator component is optimized for X12 translation, providing a simple way to convert X12 documents to and from XML or JSON.
X12ValidatorX12Validator is a lightweight EDI validation component designed for simple document validation.
X12WriterThe X12Writer component is optimized for X12 documents, providing a simple way to create X12 documents.

Additional Information

You will always find the latest information about IPWorks EDI Translator at our web site: We offer free, fully-functional 30-day trials for all of our products, and our technical support staff are happy to answer any questions you may have during your evaluation.

Please direct all technical questions to To help support technicians assist you as quickly as possible, please provide an detailed and accurate description of your problem, the results you expected, and the results that you received while using our product. For questions about licensing and pricing, and all other general inquiries, please contact

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Thank you for choosing IPWorks EDI Translator for your development needs. We realize that you have a choice among development tools, and that by choosing us you are counting on us to be a key component in your business. We work around the clock to provide you with ongoing enhancements, support, and innovative products; and we will always do our best to exceed your expectations!

EDI Translation Introduction

This page serves as an introduction to EDI parsing and translation as well as an overview of the capabilities of the classes included in the toolkit. For more details please refer to the documentation for the individual classes.

EDI Documents: Segments

The primary structure of EDI documents are segments. Each segment contains a specific set of known (expected) data. In many cases, a segment is represented as a single line. Segments are separated by a segment delimiter. A line feed is a common segment delimiter in EDI documents (but it could be something else).

Each segment starts with a tag that identifies the kind of data the segment contains. However, tags are not unique, and the context will determine the kind of segment the tag represents. Examples of EDIFACT tags are UNB, UNZ, UNG, etc. Some examples of X12 tags are ISA, GS, N4, etc. Here's an example X12 segment in which the tag of the segment is BIG and the "~" character is the segment delimiter:

A segment can be further decomposed into 0 or more data elements. The sample segment above contains 4 data elements (delimited by '*'), with one of them being empty. Elements are located within a segment by their position, which is why empty elements must be represented with successive asterisks as shown in the example above. However, if an element is optional (doesn't require a value) and there are no other elements with a value after that, it may not appear. In other words, the fact that the segment in the instance document contains 4 data elements does not mean that it always will if the remaining data elements are empty.

In some cases (more common in EDIFACT than X12), a data element itself can be a complex structure, split into components, separated with a different delimiter, for example:

This sample EDIFACT segment uses a single quote (') as the segment delimiter, '+' as the element delimiter, and ':' as the component delimiter, so it has a single data element with 3 components.

EDI Documents: Structure

As described previously, the structure of entire EDI documents is made out of segments, with header/footer segment pairs forming nested envelopes around the data. These envelopes are well known and organized as follows:

  • All EDI Interchanges (documents) contain interchange header and footer segments. This is the outer envelope. The interchange header segment contains information such as an interchange ID, where it comes from, and where it should go. The interchange footer segment contains information that allows you to validate that the interchange is complete.
  • An EDI Transaction (commonly called a message in EDIFACT) contains the actual EDI data. Again, each transaction contains header and footer segments that identify the type of transaction (i.e. an invoice or a purchase order), the number of segments, etc.
  • An Interchange can contain EDI transactions directly, but more commonly transactions are grouped inside functional groups. Each functional group contains its own header and footer segments. The information contained in the group header and footer depends on the specification, but it generally identifies the type of transactions contained in the group and the specification version used.

In EDIFACT, X12, and TRADACOMS, the header and footer segments for interchanges, functional groups, and transactions have known tags. Specific tags are also known for HL7 and VDA. Below is a table that identifies the Segment Type and its corresponding tag in various document types:

Segment Type EDIFACT Tag X12 Tag TRADACOMS Tag HL7 Tag VDA Tag
Service String AdviceUNA - - - -
Interchange Header UNB ISA STX - -
Functional Group Header UNG GS BAT - -
Transaction Header UNH ST MHD MSH 511
Transaction Footer UNT SE MTR - 519
Functional Group Footer UNE GE EOB - -
Interchange Footer UNZ IEA END - -
Note: The Service String Advice segment only occurs in EDIFACT documents and may appear at the start of the document. It serves to let the parser determine the delimiters that will be used in the rest of the document. Here's an example of a Service String Advice Segment:
UNA:+.? '
This specifies that the component delimiter will be ':', the element delimiter will be '+', the escape character will be '?' and the segment delimiter will be the single quote ('). The '.' is the decimal point character, and the space ' ' is reserved for future use.

Parsing Transactions: Schemas

Within a transaction, segments can only be interpreted with a prior knowledge of the structure of the transaction. In other words, if you see an arbitrary segment within a transaction (for example, an N1 segment within an X12 purchase order document (850)), there's no way to tell what it means or how it should look without knowing where in the transaction it is located. Because of this, to parse EDI documents a schema is required for the transaction that is being parsed to determine the order in which segments should appear. Note that within EDI documents, segments are not unique. In fact, a schema can specify that a given segment be optional, be required but appear only once, or be repeating so that it appears one or more times in a row.

A loop is basically a series of elements with known tags that repeat as a group. This is the equivalent of a segment group in EDIFACT. For example: an X12 purchase order document (850) needs to contain the addresses of the places the items will travel through (the producer, the seller, the buyer, where the invoice should be sent, etc). Each address is represented as a set of segments, tagged N1..N4, of which only N1 is required. Consider then this part of a document:

N1*ST*BUYSNACKS PORT*9*1223334445~
N3*P.O. BOX 0000~
N3*P.O. BOX 222222~
This sample actually contains 3 different N1-loops, for 3 different addresses. The first loop has 3 segments (N1, N3, and N4) and contains the Ship-To address (ST). The second loop has 2 segments (N1 and N3) and contains the Bill-To (BT) address. The last loop has 3 segments again (N1, N3, and N4) and specifies some other address.

It is important to recognize that, schema wise, these are just defined as a single, repeating loop of a set of segments (and not described one by one). Also, in an 850 document for example, there can be other loops in other parts of the document with different meanings and different structure.

Parsing Transactions: Loading and Compiling Schemas

There is no single official standard for EDI Schemas, and the components were designed with this in mind. Rather than require the use of a custom schema format, or require a single schema type, the components support multiple, common, schema formats. This allows for easier integration with existing EDI processing applications.

The following schema formats are supported:

0 (schemaAutomatic - default) The schema type is automatically determined based on file extension.
1 (schemaBinary) A binary schema that was previously compiled by calling compile_schema.
2 (schemaBizTalk) BizTalk (XSD):
3 (schemaSEF) TIBCO Standard Exchange Format (SEF):
5 (schemaAltova) Altova:
6 (schemaJSON) JSON

Before loading or writing a document with the reader or writer classs, a schema will need to be loaded using the load_schema method. The load_schema method can parse schemas and use them for basic validation and interpretation of EDI documents at runtime.

The classs also support parsing documents without loading a schema. In this scenario you can traverse the document using the xpath property. Note that when using this approach the organization and loop structures of the segments within the transaction are not known.

The schemas can be very big (most are around 1-2MB in size) and parsing them can be memory intensive. For this reason, once a schema is loaded into a class instance, it is rendered into an internal representation and cached there until the next time it is needed. Designing your application to create and keep one instance of the class is a good way to avoid unnecessary schema loading.

Compiled Schemas offer another form of optimization. The classs have a compile_schema method that takes the path to an EDI Schema file and generates a .BIN file that contains a binary representation of the file. You can then load these into the class using the load_schema method.

The Reader Components

The class allows you to parse an incoming EDI document. This class works in two states, loading an entire document at once, or streaming portions of the document. These states are controlled by the build_dom property. By default build_dom is set to bdEntireDocument which parses the entire document at once, allowing you to use the xpath property to navigate the document.

To save memory for larger documents, you can choose to parse only sections of the document, instead of the entire document. When build_dom is set to per interchange (bdInterchange ) or per transaction (bdTransaction), the respective section of the document will be available for use with xpath from within the corresponding Start and End events. Finally, you may choose to set build_dom to bdNone, which means no DOM will be built and all data will be available only through events, but also will use very little memory. Below are example steps to parse an entire document:

  1. First, use load_schema to load a schema file into the class. (Only necessary when preserving document structure).
  2. Open an EDI document or stream by setting input via input_file or input_data and calling parse.
  3. If build_dom is set to bdEntireDocument, the events of the class will fire as the document is parsed, and xpath may be set to access any part of the document.

    If bdInterchange or bdTransaction are specified, and parse is called the entire document will be parsed, with only the specified section being saved in memory at any given time. This means if you wish to set xpath to navigate within the section of the document, you will need to do so within the events of the class to prevent further processing of the document while you access the section. When parsing is completed, only the most recently parsed section will be available for use with xpath

    If bdNone is specified, then all document information must be obtained through the events fired during parsing.

During parsing, the class performs basic validation of the incoming document. If validation fails, a warning is generated (fired as an event).

The XPath navigation is done through the xpath property. For example:

EDIReader.XPath = "/IX[1]/FG[1]/TX[2]/LINLoop1[1]/QTY[1]";
This example path means the following: Select the first QTY segment within the first iteration of the LIN segment, within the second transaction in the first functional group and interchange.

You can also make use of XPath conditional statements to locate the first element which matches a name=value. For example, you could use the following XPath to locate the path of the first element within any LIN segment that has a name=QTY and value=20:

EDIReader.XPath = "IX[1]/FG[1]/TX[1]/LINLoop1[QTY='20']";

Note that the conditional statements will search the children, but not the grand children of the element on which the conditional statement is applied. For instance in the above example the children of LIN will be searched, but the grandchildren will not.

To display the structure of the parsed document use display_schema_info. This is helpful when deciding how to navigate the document.

The Writer Components

The class allows you to create a document from scratch. The class allows you to create an EDI document one segment at a time. Here's how a document would normally be created:

  1. Call load_schema to load the necessary schemas for the transactions that will be used.
  2. Specify where to write the output document by setting the output_file property or set_output_stream method, or set neither and check the output_data property.
  3. Create a new interchange start segment using the start_interchange_header method and set its properties using write_element_string and write_component_string.
  4. To write a basic element value to the current location, call the write_element_string method. For complex element values, there are two possibilities, elements which are split into components, and elements which repeat. To write these complex element values, use the start_element and end_element methods, with write_component_string and repeat_element methods for writing the values. (Examples available below).
  5. Create a new functional group using start_functional_group_header and set its properties using write_element_string and write_component_string.
  6. Create a new transaction using start_transaction_header and set the properties for the header segment.
  7. Write all the data for the transaction by creating new data segments using start_segment and providing the path of the segment to create using the schema names of the loops and segments, like /N1Loop1/N1.
  8. Once you are done with the segment, call end_segment.
  9. Once you are done with the transaction, call create_transaction_footer.
  10. Once you are done with the functional group, call create_functional_group_footer.
  11. Once the interchange is complete, call create_interchange_footer.

The Translator Components

The class will convert a document from the format specified by input_format to the format specified by output_format. In practice this allows for converting to XML or JSON from EDI and vice versa.

Before translating from EDI to XML or JSON it is recommended to load a schema using the load_schema method. This ensures additional information can be included in the XML or JSON document. If a schema is specified the XML or JSON will include types and descriptions as element attributes which are useful for interpreting the data.

EDI elements may optionally be renamed when creating XML. To define how an element is renamed add a renaming rule by calling add_renaming_rule.

After calling translate the resulting output will contain the EDI, XML or JSON data as defined by output_format. If the output data is XML the export_xml_schema method may be called to export a schema (.xsd) defining the structure of a valid XML document. XML documents which adhere to this document may be translated from XML to EDI.

Input and Output Properties

The class will determine the source and destination of the input and output based on which properties are set.

The order in which the input properties are checked is as follows:

  • input_file
  • input_data
When a valid source is found the search stops. The order in which the output properties are checked is as follows:
  • output_file
  • output_data: The output data is written to this property if no other destination is specified.

The Validator Components

This component provides a simple way to validate an EDI document and obtain details about any validation errors.

Before calling validate set schema_format and call load_schema to load the schema for the document to be validated. The schema defines many validation rules such as minimum and maximum lengths, minimum and maximum occurrences, and more. The validation performed by the class depends largely on the schema's definition.

When the validate method is called the class will attempt to validate the document. If errors are found during validation the on_validation_error event will fire with details about each error as it is encountered. After the document has been validated the validation_errors property will be populated with details of each error.

Inspect the validation_errors property for information on any errors that were encountered.

Validation Example

validator.InputFile = "files/EDIDocuments/MyEDIDoc.txt"; validator.LoadSchema("my_schemas/00501/RSSBus_005010X222A1_837.json"); validator.Validate(); foreach (ValidationErrorDetail error in validator.ValidationErrors) { Console.WriteLine(error.ErrorCode + ": " + error.Message); }