PayPal Integrator V5 - Online Help
PayPal Integrator V5
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Warning Event

Information about errors during data delivery.


public void fireWarning(AdaptivepayWarningEvent event);

public class AdaptivepayWarningEvent {
  public String errorCode;
  public String severity;
  public String message;
  public String parameter;


The Warning event is fired when the response from PayPal contains one or more error messages in the response. If the error found in the PayPal response has a Severity of "Error", the component will fail with an error. Otherwise, this Warning event will fire with the ErrorCode returned by Paypal, as well as the Severity, Message, and Parameter of the error.

Please note that the ErrorCode will be the exact code returned from PayPal, and does not map to any of the bean's internal error codes.

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