PayPal Integrator V5 - Online Help
PayPal Integrator V5
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TransactionId Property

The PayPal transaction ID associated with the payment.


public String getTransactionId();
public void setTransactionId(String transactionId);


A chained or parallel payment can be viewed as a set of individual payments. PaymentKey and TrackingId refer to the entire set, but TransactionId refers to one specific payment inside of the larger set. For a simple payment, the TransactionId refers to the same thing as the PaymentKey and TrackingId.

Specify the payment you're interested in using either the PaymentKey, TransactionId, or TrackingId. It is not recommended to specify more than one of these properties, unless they identify the same payment. If the properties do not belong to the same payment, the TransactionId is used; next, PayPal uses the PaymentKey. If more than one of these is specified, the TrackingId is never used.

Note that the Instant Payment Notification message associated with the payment will contain this transaction id. See the IPN bean for more info about these notifications.

Default Value


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