PayPal Integrator V5 - Online Help
PayPal Integrator V5
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Signature Property

Value to use with PayPal's Signature Authentication scheme.


public String getSignature();
public void setSignature(String signature);


A PayPal-generated unique digital signature (a line of text, or hash) that you copy from PayPal's website and include in API calls made by this bean. An alternative to API Certificate security. Your digital signature, your API username, and your API password all together are called three-token authentication. An API signature is suitable for use with Microsoft Windows web servers or other shared web server configurations, such as those used by web hosting services. Multiple API signatures can be associated with your API username and password. For security, every time you view your API credential/signature on, a new signature is generated. In your API calls, you can use any of the signatures that PayPal generates for you. All the signatures are equally valid until you remove your credentials by clicking Remove on the View API Signature page.

Default Value


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