PayPal Integrator V5 - Online Help
PayPal Integrator V5
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CardType Property

Indicates the results of the Luhn Digit Check algorithm.


public int getCardType();

Enumerated values: public final static int vctUnknown = 0; public final static int vctVisa = 1; public final static int vctMasterCard = 2; public final static int vctAmex = 3; public final static int vctDiscover = 4; public final static int vctDiners = 5; public final static int vctJCB = 6; public final static int vctVisaElectron = 7; public final static int vctMaestro = 8; public final static int vctCUP = 9; public final static int vctLaser = 10;


This property is filled after a call to the ValidateCard method. Allowable values include:

ctUnknown (0) The bean could not determine the type of the card based on the CardNumber prefix and length.
vctVisa (1) Visa card.
vctMasterCard (2) MasterCard card.
vctAmex (3) American Express card.
vctDiscover (4) Discover Card
vctDiners (5) Diner's Club card (Carte Blanche or International - the CardTypeDescription will contain the full name).
vctJCB (6) Japan Credit Bureau card.
vctVisaElectron (7) International Visa debit card (not available in US or Canada).
vctMaestro (8) International debit card (owned and operated by MasterCard).
vctCUP (9) China UnionPay - China's only credit card organization.
vctLaser (10) Primary debit card used in Ireland.

This property is read-only and not available at design time.

Default Value


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