PayPal Integrator V5 - Online Help
PayPal Integrator V5
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PaymentAction Property

How you want to obtain payment.


public int getPaymentAction();
public void setPaymentAction(int paymentAction);

Enumerated values: public final static int aSale = 0; public final static int aAuthorization = 1; public final static int aOrder = 2;


This property is required when calling the CheckoutPayment method.

This property is required when calling the SetCheckout method.

Possible values of this property include:

aSale (0)Sale means all funds will be automatically deposited in your merchant PayPal account when the transaction is complete.
aAuthorization (1)An Authorization transaction is used when you wish to authorize a card, but not necessarily transfer the funds yet. For instance, you may wish to authorize the card when a customer orders items through your website, and then settle the transaction once the items actually ship. You may use the ReAuthCapture bean to settle any outstanding authorizations. Authorizations enable you to capture up to 115% or USD $75 more than the amount you specify when CheckoutPayment is called. Authorizations hold the customer's funds for up to 3 days. The authorization is valid however for 29 days. Authorizations may be reauthorized only once during this period.
aOrder (2)An Order transaction is very similar to an Authorization transaction, but it may contain more than one authorizations in the 29 day period. The Order transaction cannot be reauthorized, instead you must wait until the authorization period expires. This type of transaction should be used for different types of split orders where there are multiple deliverable times and thus portions of the payment will be made at various times.

Default Value


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