PayPal Integrator V5 - Online Help
PayPal Integrator V5
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URL Property

URL all PayPal payment transactions are posted to.


public String getURL();
public void setURL(String URL);


This is the URL to which the bean posts requests to, and receives responses from. The server you use depends on whether you are using the "API Certificate" or the "API Signature" authentication scheme. If you use the API Certificate authentication scheme, you must set the SSLCert with your client-side certificate. If using the Signature method, set the Signature property instead. The list of valid URLs is shown below:

URLDescription server for use with the API Certificate authentication scheme. server for use with the 3-token API Signature authentication scheme. server for use with the API Certificate authentication scheme. server for use with the 3-token API Signature authentication scheme.

Default Value


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Build 5.0.6240.0