PayPal Integrator V5 - Online Help
PayPal Integrator V5
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RefundRecipient Type

Information about a receiver of the payment that is issuing a refund.


In a refund, the terms sender and recipient (or receiver) refer to sender and receivers of the original payment using the AdaptivePay bean. When making a refund, the sender's account receives the refund and the recipient accounts are the source of the refund. Refunds are made from one or more receivers to a sender.



Amount to be refunded by the recipient.

Limitations: Must not exceed $10,000 USD in any currency. The decimal separator must be a period (.) and the thousands separator a comma (,). No currency symbol ($) is to be sent.


Email that identifies each recipient issuing a refund.


public RefundRecipient();

public RefundRecipient(String email, String amount);

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