PayPal Integrator V5 - Online Help
PayPal Integrator V5
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Response Type

The response from the transaction.


This type describes the response from PayPal with information about the transaction. The TransactionId can be used to identify the transaction.



Amount returned in the response.

This should always match the value sent in OrderTotal.


The Address Verification System response code.

This one character field contains the Address Verification System (AVS) result code. This is always returned in the server response. The AVS service is used to help detect fraud. While PayPal may authorize a payment, it is up to the merchant to check the AVS and decide whether or not to honor the transaction.

The valid AVS codes are listed in the table below.

AVS CodeMeaningMatched Details
AAddressAddress Only (no ZIP)
BInternational "A"Address only (no ZIP)
CInternational "N"None
DInternational "X"Address and Postal Code
ENot allowed for MOTO (Internet/Phone) transactionsNot applicable
FUK-specific "X"Address and Postal Code
GGlobal UnavailableNot applicable
IInternational UnavailableNot applicable
PPostal(International "Z")Postal Code only (no Address)
RRetryNot applicable
SService not SupportedNot applicable
UUnavailableNot applicable
WWhole ZIPNine-digit ZIP code (no Address)
XExact matchAddress and nine-digit ZIP code
YYesAddress and five-digit ZIP
ZZIPFive-digit ZIP code (no Address)
All othersErrorNot applicable


Result of the CVV check by PayPal.

If a CVV value was present in the CVV property before authorizing the transaction, this one character field will contain the host returned Card Verification Value result code. This is used to help detect fraud. It is up to the merchant to inspect this value and determine whether or not to honor the transaction.

The following is a list of current result codes:

CVV2 CodeMeaningMatched Details
NNo matchNone
PNot processedNot applicable
SService not SupportedNot applicable
UUnavailableNot applicable
XNo responseNot applicable
All othersErrorNot applicable


Unique Transaction Id of the payment.

The value of this field is returned by the server when either one of the following methods is called:

- Sale. In this case, the TransactionId is your record of the transaction.

- Authorize. You will need the value of TransactionId for use with the ReAuthCapture bean as a key to capturing funds.

Character length and limitations:17 single-byte characters.


public Response();

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