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PayPal Integrator V5
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SourceCurrency Type

A single amount and currency code to be converted.


This type contains an Amount in the specified currency Code.



Source amount to be converted.

Limitations: Must not exceed $10,000 USD in any currency. The decimal separator must be a period (.) and the thousands separator a comma (,). No currency symbol ($) is to be sent.


Currency code of the source Amount to be converted.

Allowable currency codes include:

AUD Australian Dollar
BRL* Brazilian Real
CAD Canadian Dollar
CHF Swiss Franc
CZK Czech Koruna
DKK Danish Krone
EUR Euro
HKD Hong Kong Dollar
HUF Hungarian Forint
ILS Israeli New Sheqel
JPY Japanese Yen
MXN Mexican Peso
MYR** Malaysian Ringgit
NOK Norwegian Krone
NZD New Zealand Dollar
PHP Philippine Peso
PLN Polish Zloty
GBP Pound Sterling
SEK Swedish Krona
SGD Singapore Dollar
THB Thai Baht
TWD Taiwan New Dollar
USD U.S. Dollar

*NOTE: The Real is supported as a payment currency and currency balance only for Brazilian PayPal accounts.

**NOTE: The Ringgit is supported as a payment currency and currency balance only for Malaysian PayPal accounts.


public SourceCurrency();

public SourceCurrency(String amount, String code);

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