E-Payment Integrator 2016 Java Edition
E-Payment Integrator 2016 Java Edition
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SubscriptionDetails Property

Contains the recurring subscription details.


public EPSubscriptionDetails getSubscriptionDetails();


This property will be populated with the recurring subscription details after a call to GetSubscriptionStatus.

The EPSubscriptionDetails type contains the following fields:

CardExpMonth The expiration month of the card currently being processed for the recurring payments.
CardExpYear The expiration year of the card currently being processed for the recurring payments.
CardNumber The card number currently being processed for the recurring payments.
EndDate The date in which the recurring payments will stop processing.
FrequencyUnit The unit frequency in which the payments will be processed.
Frequency The frequency in which payments will occur.
LastPaymentDate The date that the last/previous transaction was processed.
NextPaymentDate The date of the next upcoming transaction.
RecurAmount The amount to be charged on a recurring basis.
RemainingPayments The total number of remaining payments until the recurring payments will stop processing.
StartDate The date in which the recurring payments will start processing.
Status The current status of the recurring subscription.
SubscriptionId The Subscription or Profile Identifier for the recurring payment.
SubscriptionName The name of the recurring subscription or profile.
TotalPayments The total number of payments.

This property is read-only and not available at design time.

Default Value

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E-Payment Integrator 2016 Java Edition - Version 16.0 [Build 7354]