E-Payment Integrator 2020 Android Edition

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Gateway Property

Gateway to process transactions with.


public int getGateway();
public void setGateway(int gateway);

Enumerated values: public final static int gwNoGateway = 0; public final static int gwAuthorizeNet = 1; public final static int gwEprocessing = 2; public final static int gwIntellipay = 3; public final static int gwITransact = 4; public final static int gwNetBilling = 5; public final static int gwPayFlowPro = 6; public final static int gwUSAePay = 7; public final static int gwPlugNPay = 8; public final static int gwPlanetPayment = 9; public final static int gwMPCS = 10; public final static int gwRTWare = 11; public final static int gwECX = 12; public final static int gwBankOfAmerica = 13; public final static int gwInnovative = 14; public final static int gwMerchantAnywhere = 15; public final static int gwSkipjack = 16; public final static int gw3DSI = 18; public final static int gwTrustCommerce = 19; public final static int gwPSIGate = 20; public final static int gwPayFuse = 21; public final static int gwPayFlowLink = 22; public final static int gwOrbital = 23; public final static int gwLinkPoint = 24; public final static int gwMoneris = 25; public final static int gwUSight = 26; public final static int gwFastTransact = 27; public final static int gwNetworkMerchants = 28; public final static int gwIngenico = 29; public final static int gwPRIGate = 30; public final static int gwMerchantPartners = 31; public final static int gwCyberCash = 32; public final static int gwFirstData = 33; public final static int gwYourPay = 34; public final static int gwACHPayments = 35; public final static int gwForte = 36; public final static int gwCyberSource = 37; public final static int gwEway = 38; public final static int gwGoEMerchant = 39; public final static int gwTransFirst = 40; public final static int gwChase = 41; public final static int gwNexCommerce = 42; public final static int gwWorldPay = 43; public final static int gwTransactionCentral = 44; public final static int gwSterling = 45; public final static int gwPayJunction = 46; public final static int gwSECPay = 47; public final static int gwPaymentExpress = 48; public final static int gwMyVirtualMerchant = 49; public final static int gwSagePayments = 50; public final static int gwSecurePay = 51; public final static int gwMonerisUSA = 52; public final static int gwBambora = 53; public final static int gwVerifi = 54; public final static int gwSagePay = 55; public final static int gwMerchantESolutions = 56; public final static int gwPayLeap = 57; public final static int gwPayPoint = 58; public final static int gwWorldPayXML = 59; public final static int gwProPay = 60; public final static int gwQBMS = 61; public final static int gwHeartland = 62; public final static int gwLitle = 63; public final static int gwBrainTree = 64; public final static int gwJetPay = 65; public final static int gwHSBC = 66; public final static int gwBluePay = 67; public final static int gwAdyen = 68; public final static int gwBarclay = 69; public final static int gwPayTrace = 70; public final static int gwYKC = 71; public final static int gwOmniFund = 73; public final static int gwTransNationalBankcard = 74; public final static int gwNetbanx = 75; public final static int gwMIT = 76; public final static int gwDataCash = 77; public final static int gwACHFederal = 78; public final static int gwGlobalIris = 79; public final static int gwFirstDataE4 = 80; public final static int gwFirstAtlantic = 81; public final static int gwBluefin = 82; public final static int gwPayscape = 83; public final static int gwPayDirect = 84; public final static int gwAuthorizeNetCIM = 85; public final static int gw5thDimension = 86; public final static int gwWorldPayLink = 87; public final static int gwPaymentWorkSuite = 88; public final static int gwPSIGateXML = 89; public final static int gwFirstDataPayPoint = 90; public final static int gwExPay = 91; public final static int gwPayvision = 92; public final static int gwConverge = 93; public final static int gwPayeezy = 94; public final static int gwMonetra = 95; public final static int gwAuthorizeNetXML = 96; public final static int gwPhoeniXGate = 97; public final static int gwRepay = 98; public final static int gwGlobalPayroll = 99; public final static int gwPayWiser = 100; public final static int gwVeritas = 101; public final static int gwStripe = 102; public final static int gwKartePay = 103; public final static int gwBlueSnap = 104; public final static int gwAmericanPaymentSolutions = 105; public final static int gwBASYS = 106; public final static int gwWorldpayOnline = 107; public final static int gwSquare = 108; public final static int gwPriorityPaymentSystems = 109; public final static int gwNuvei = 110; public final static int gwCardPointe = 111; public final static int gwMetrobank = 112; public final static int gwQBPayments = 113; public final static int gwShift4 = 114; public final static int gwSquarePayments = 115; public final static int gwHeartlandPortico = 116;


This property is used to select the gateway with which transactions will be processed. Setting the Gateway property will also fill the GatewayURL with the URL to the gateway's processing server, and will also fill the and SpecialFields property with a collection of default names and values for the selected gateway. These are special configuration values that should usually not be changed. The following table shows the currently supported gateways, as well as the corporate home page for each.

GatewayHome page
No Gateway (0) n/a
Authorize.Net AIM (1)http://www.authorize.net
eProcessing Transparent Database Engine (2)http://www.eProcessingNetwork.com
Intellipay ExpertLink (3)http://www.intellipay.com
iTransact RediCharge HTML (4)http://www.itransact.com
NetBilling DirectMode (5)http://www.netbilling.com
PayFlow Pro (6)https://www.paypal.com/webapps/mpp/payflow-payment-gateway
USA ePay CGI Transaction Gateway (7)http://www.usaepay.com
Plug 'n Pay (8)http://www.plugnpay.com
Planet Payment iPay (9)http://planetpayment.com/
MPCS (10)http://merchantcommerce.net/
RTWare (11)http://www.rtware.net/
ECX (12)http://www.ecx.com
Bank of America (Global Gateway e4) (13)http://bankofamerica.com/merchantservices
Innovative Gateway (PHP) (14)http://www.innovativegateway.com
Merchant Anywhere (Transaction Central Classic) (15)http://www.merchantanywhere.com/
SkipJack (16)http://www.skipjack.com
3 Delta Systems (3DSI) EC-Linx (18)http://www.3dsi.com
TrustCommerce API (19)http://www.trustcommerce.com
PSIGate HTML (20)http://www.psigate.com
PayFuse XML (ClearCommerce Engine) (21)http://www.firstnationalmerchants.com/
PayFlow Link (22)https://www.paypal.com/webapps/mpp/payflow-payment-gateway
Chase Paymentech Orbital Gateway (23)https://merchantservices.chase.com/
LinkPoint (24)http://www.linkpoint.com
Moneris eSelect Plus Canada (25)http://www.moneris.com
uSight Gateway Post-Auth (26)This gateway is no longer in service.
Fast Transact VeloCT (Direct Mode) (27)http://www.fasttransact.com/
NetworkMerchants Direct-Post API (28)http://www.nmi.com/
Ingenico DirectLink / Ogone (29)https://www.ingenico.be/
TransFirst Transaction Central Classic (formerly PRIGate) (30)http://www.transfirst.com
Merchant Partners (Transaction Engine) (31)http://www.merchantpartners.com/
CyberCash (32)https://www.paypal.com/cybercash
First Data Global Gateway (Linkpoint) (33)http://www.firstdata.com
YourPay (Linkpoint) (34) http://www.yourpay.com
ACH Payments AGI (35)http://www.ach-payments.com
Forte AGI / Payments Gateway AGI(36)https://www.forte.net/
Cyber Source SOAP API (37)http://www.cybersource.com
eWay XML API (Australia) (38)http://www.eway.com.au/
goEmerchant XML (39)http://www.goemerchant.com/
TransFirst eLink (40)http://www.transfirst.com
Chase Merchant Services (Linkpoint) (41)http://www.chase.com
Thompson Merchant Services NexCommerce (iTransact mode) (42)http://www.thompsonmerchant.com
WorldPay Select Junior Invisible (43)http://www.worldpay.com
TransFirst Transaction Central Classic (44)http://www.transfirst.com. (This is different from TransFirst eLink, supported above. The TransactionCentral gateway is also used by MerchantAnywhere and PRIGate)
Sterling SPOT XML API (HTTPS POST) (45)http://www.sterlingpayment.com
PayJunction Trinity Gateway (46)http://www.payjunction.com
SECPay (United Kingdom) API Solution(47)http://www.secpay.com
Payment Express PXPost (48)http://www.paymentexpress.com
Elavon/NOVA/My Virtual Merchant (49)https://support.convergepay.com/s/
Sage Payment Solutions (Bankcard HTTPS Post protocol) (50)http://www.sagepayments.com
SecurePay (Script API/COM Object Interface) (51)http://securepay.com
Moneris eSelect Plus USA (52)http://www.moneris.com
Bambora / Beanstream Process Transaction API (53)https://www.bambora.com/en/ca/
Verifi Direct-Post API (54)http://www.verifi.com
SagePay Direct (Previously Protx) (55)https://www.opayo.uk/
Merchant E-Solutions Payment Gateway (Trident API) (56)http://merchante-solutions.com/
PayLeap Web Services API (57)http://www.payleap.com
PayPoint.net (Previously SECPay) API Solution (58)http://paypoint.net
Worldpay XML (Direct/Invisible) (59)http://www.worldpay.com
ProPay Merchant Services API (60)http://www.propay.com
Intuit QuickBooks Merchant Services (QBMS) (61)This gateway is no longer in service. It has been replaced by Quickbooks Payments (113).
Heartland POS Gateway (62)http://www.heartlandpaymentsystems.com/
Litle / Vantiv Online Gateway (63)http://www.litle.com/
BrainTree DirectPost (Server-to-Server Orange) Gateway (64)http://www.braintreepaymentsolutions.com/
JetPay Gateway (65)http://www.jetpay.com/
HSBC XML API (ClearCommerce Engine) (66)https://www.business.hsbc.uk/en-gb/payments/business-card
BluePay 2.0 Post (67)http://www.bluepay.com
Adyen API Payments (68)http://www.adyen.com
Barclay ePDQ (DirectLink) (69)http://www.barclaycard.co.uk/business/
PayTrace Payment Gateway (70)https://www.paytrace.net/
YKC Gateway (71)http://www.ykc-bos.co.jp/
OmniFund HTTP API / GoToBilling(73)http://omnifund.com/
TransNational Bankcard (74)http://www.tnbci.com/
Netbanx (75)http://www.netbanx.com/
MIT (76)http://www.centrodepagos.com.mx
DataCash (77)http://www.datacash.com/
ACH Federal (78)http://www.achfederal.com/
Global Iris (HSBC) (79)https://www.globalpaymentsinc.com/en-gb
First Data Global Gateway E4 (80)http://www.firstdata.com
First Atlantic Commerce (81)http://www.firstatlanticcommerce.com/
Bluefin (82)http://www.bluefin.com/
Payscape (83)http://www.payscape.com
Pay Direct (Link2Gov) (84)https://www.fisglobal.com/solutions/other/government/
Authorize.NET CIM (85)http://www.authorize.net
5th Dimension Logistics (86)http://www.5thdl.com/
WorldPay US Link Gateway (87)https://www.worldpay.com/en-us/index
3DSI Payment WorkSuite (88)http://www.3dsi.com/
PSIGate XML (89)http://www.psigate.com
First Data PayPoint (90)https://www.firstdata.com/en_us/products/financial_institutions.html
ExPay Gateway (91)http://www.expay.asia
Payvision Gateway (92)http://www.payvision.com/
Converge (formerly MyVirtualMerchant) (93)https://support.convergepay.com/s/
Payeezy Gateway (formerly First Data E4) (94)https://developer.payeezy.com/
Monetra Gateway (95)http://www.monetra.com
Authorize.NET XML (96)http://www.authorize.net/
PhoeniXGate Gateway (97)http://www.phoenixmanagednetworks.com/
Repay Gateway (98)https://www.repay.com/
Global Payroll Gateway (99)https://www.gpgway.com/
PayWiser Gateway (100)https://paywiser.eu/
Veritas Gateway (101)http://www.veritaspay.com/
Stripe Gateway (102)http://www.stripe.com/
KartePay Gateway (103)https://www.kartepay.com/
BlueSnap Gateway (104)https://home.bluesnap.com/
American Payment Solutions (105)https://www.apspayments.com/
BASYS Gateway (106)https://basyspro.com/
Worldpay Online (107)https://www.worldpay.com
Square (108)https://www.squareup.com
Priority Payment Systems (109)https://prioritypaymentsystems.com
Nuvei / GlobalOnePay (110)https://nuvei.com/en-us/
CardPointe (111)https://cardconnect.com/cardpointe
Metrobank (112)https://www.metrobankcard.com/
Quickbooks Payments (113)https://quickbooks.intuit.com/payments/
Shift4 (114)https://www.shift4.com/
Square Payments (115)https://squareup.com/us/en
Heartland Portico Gateway (116)http://www.heartlandpaymentsystems.com/

Default Value


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E-Payment Integrator 2020 Android Edition - Version 20.0 [Build 7941]