Shipping Integrator V5 - Online Help
Shipping Integrator V5
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PayorType Property

Method of payment for shipment, or duties and taxes.



Possible Values


Default Value



Method of payment for shipment, or duties and taxes. This is required to be provided in a ship request. Valid payment types are:

ptSender (0)
ptRecipient (1)
ptThirdParty (2)
ptCollect (3)
ptConsignee (4)

The COLLECT payment type is only supported in FedEx Ground services. The CONSIGNEE type is only supported in UPS service.

For FedEx, when this property is set to a value other than 0 (ptSender), the PayorAccountNumber and PayorCountryCode are required to be provided in the request as well. Otherwise, those will default to FedExAccountNumber and SenderCountryCode.

For UPS, when set to ptSender, the PayorAccountNumber is automatically set to UPSAccountNumber. When ptRecipient is specified, PayorAccountNumber and PayorZipCode are required to be provided in the request. For return international shipments, this option is invalid for transportation charges. And, when ptThirdParty has been specified, the PayorAccountNumber, PayorZipCode and PayorCountryCode are required to be provided in the request. When ptConsignee is specified, it indicates that UPS Consignee Billing option is selected, no other properties need to be set. ptConsignee only applies to US/PR and PR/US shipment origins and destination.

Data Type


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