Shipping Integrator V5 - Online Help
Shipping Integrator V5
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CancelPickup Method

Cancels a scheduled Carrier Pickup request.


uspsshipcontrol.CancelPickup ConfirmationNumber


When the CancelPickup method is called, the exact data from the original SchedulePickup request must be entered.

You must enter the following information:

The confirmation number alone cannot be used to cancel or change a scheduled pickup. You must also supply address information that is identical to what was originally entered when the pickup was scheduled with SchedulePickup.

If the information entered is valid (matches the existing record and is within the time frames available for cancellation), this method fills the original pickup address and tracking number as well as the Status property.

You may submit your cancellation to your pickup request anytime before 2:00 AM CST on the day of pickup to take effect. Otherwise, your Carrier Pickup request cannot be canceled online.

If you miss the deadline for canceling your pickup, or if you did not save the ConfirmationNumber or address information, you should put a note at the PackageLocation you specified in the original SchedulePickup request explaining that you wish to cancel the pickup.

The return value for this method is a string containing the status of the cancellation.

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