Notification Event
Notification returned by the server upon successful request (if applicable).
typedef void __fastcall (__closure *TibxUPSFreightShipNotificationEvent)(System::TObject* Sender, TibxUPSFreightShipNotificationEventParams *e);__property TibxUPSFreightShipNotificationEvent OnNotification = {read=FOnNotification, write=FOnNotification};
typedef struct {
String Message;
} TibxUPSFreightShipNotificationEventParams;
When sending a request, the server may return with a successful reply or an error. However, even when a transaction is successful, a warning or a note might still be returned by the server. In such cases, the Notification event is fired.
Notifications returned through this event are non-fatal and shipments will still be processes, labels will still be printable, rates are still returned, etc. These notifications should be treated as informational only.