SEDPointOfOrigin Property
Indicates the state or zone number from where the exports are leaving.
__property String SEDPointOfOrigin = {read=FSEDPointOfOrigin, write=FSetSEDPointOfOrigin, default=""};
Default Value
Indicates the state or zone number from where the exports are leaving.
This is required when SED is requested (i.e., when the Shipper's Export Declaration flag of the FormTypes is set). This should contain one of the following:
- The two-digit U.S. Postal Service abbreviation for the state from which the goods were shipped to the port of export.
- The state that is the source for the good with the highest value. The state of consolidation.
- The Foreign Trade Zone number of the zone from where the exports are leaving. If the goods were shipped from Puerto Rico, enter PR.
Maximum length: 5.
Data Type