PackageShippingLabel Property
Image of the shipping label for this package return by the Server upon a successful ship response.
__property String PackageShippingLabel[int PackageIdx] = {read=FPackageShippingLabel, write=FSetPackageShippingLabel}; __property RawByteString PackageShippingLabelB[int PackageIdx] = {read=FPackageShippingLabelB, write=FSetPackageShippingLabelB};
Default Value
Image of the shipping label for this package return by the Server upon a successful ship response.
This is the decoded binary image file of the shipping label, stored in memory upon successful ship response. The kind of label data returned depends on the label formatting specified in your ship request via LabelImageType. If you requested a GIF label, the data returned will be a GIF file. If you requested a thermal label, it will be a thermal label image. If the PackageShippingLabelFile is set to a valid path and filename, the label is also saved to disk in a LabelImageType format.
The size of the array is controlled by the PackageCount property.
This property is read-only and not available at design time.
Data Type
Binary String