USPSTrack Class
Properties Methods Events Configuration Settings Errors
Retrieves tracking data for any package shipped with Delivery or Signature confirmation.
This class is used to check the delivery status of any package without having to go to the USPS web site to make any queries about the status of your shipment. This class can retrieve tracking information for any Express Mail package, any package sent to a US address utilizing the Delivery or Signature confirmation option, as well as all International shipments.
To retrieve tracking information, simply provide your tracking number as a parameter into the TrackShipment method. The RequestType property determines which of the two types of requests are sent. They are listed below.
Detail | Returns a detailed account of the package status at every step along the way. |
Summary | Returns an overview of the current package's status in the TrackEventStatus property. |
For the Detail request type, information will be provided for each time the barcode on the label was scanned. There may be many such tracking events as a package travels to its destination, and information on each hop is contained in the TrackEvents property. Information is returned in the following properties:
TrackEventDate | The date this tracking event occurred. |
TrackEventTime | The time at which this tracking event occurred. |
TrackEventCity | The city where the tracking event occurred. |
TrackEventState | The state (or province) where the tracking event occurred. |
TrackEventZipCode | The zip code where the tracking event occurred. |
TrackEventCountryCode | The country where the tracking event occurred. |
TrackEventStatus | Description of the tracking event (enroute, delivered, etc) |
TrackEventCompany | Name of the firm the package was delivered to. |
PackageSignedBy | Name of the person who signed for the package. |
The following example will return sample data from a special USPS test server:
USPSTrack.USPSAccount.UserId = "YOURIDHERE" USPSTrack.USPSAccount.Server = "" USPSTrack.TrackShipment("EJ958083578US") ' Only works with above URL
Property List
The following is the full list of the properties of the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.
FirewallAutoDetect | This property tells the component whether or not to automatically detect and use firewall system settings, if available. |
FirewallType | This property determines the type of firewall to connect through. |
FirewallHost | This property contains the name or IP address of firewall (optional). |
FirewallPassword | This property contains a password if authentication is to be used when connecting through the firewall. |
FirewallPort | This property contains the TCP port for the firewall Host . |
FirewallUser | This property contains a user name if authentication is to be used connecting through a firewall. |
PackageSignedBy | Signature of person who signed for package. |
PostageProvider | The postage provider to use. |
ProxyAuthScheme | This property is used to tell the component which type of authorization to perform when connecting to the proxy. |
ProxyAutoDetect | This property tells the component whether or not to automatically detect and use proxy system settings, if available. |
ProxyPassword | This property contains a password if authentication is to be used for the proxy. |
ProxyPort | This property contains the TCP port for the proxy Server (default 80). |
ProxyServer | If a proxy Server is given, then the HTTP request is sent to the proxy instead of the server otherwise specified. |
ProxySSL | This property determines when to use SSL for the connection to the proxy. |
ProxyUser | This property contains a user name, if authentication is to be used for the proxy. |
RequestType | The type of tracking request. |
SSLAcceptServerCertEncoded | The certificate (PEM/base64 encoded). |
SSLCertEncoded | The certificate (PEM/base64 encoded). |
SSLCertStore | The name of the certificate store for the client certificate. |
SSLCertStorePassword | If the certificate store is of a type that requires a password, this property is used to specify that password in order to open the certificate store. |
SSLCertStoreType | The type of certificate store for this certificate. |
SSLCertSubject | The subject of the certificate used for client authentication. |
SSLServerCertEncoded | The certificate (PEM/base64 encoded). |
Timeout | A timeout for the component. |
TrackEventCount | The number of records in the TrackEvent arrays. |
TrackEventAddress1 | Line 1 in the location address where a tracking event occurred (by package). |
TrackEventAddress2 | Line 2 in the location address where a tracking event occurred (by package). |
TrackEventCity | Name of the city where the tracking event occurred. |
TrackEventCompany | Company name if delivered to a company for a given TrackingNumber . |
TrackEventCountryCode | Country code where the tracking event happened. |
TrackEventDate | Date the tracking event happened. |
TrackEventException | The most recent status exception for the tracking event. |
TrackEventLocation | Location description where a tracking event occurred. |
TrackEventOther | Other information about the tracking event. |
TrackEventState | State or province code where the tracking event occurred. |
TrackEventStatus | Literal description of the tracking event. |
TrackEventTime | Time the tracking event occurred. |
TrackEventZipCode | Postal code where the tracking event happened. |
USPSAccountNumber | The shipper's Endicia account number. |
USPSPassword | Password to use for logging in to the USPS Server . |
USPSServer | URL for the USPS server where the requests are sent. |
USPSUserId | User Id for logging in to the USPS Server . |
Method List
The following is the full list of the methods of the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.
Config | Sets or retrieves a configuration setting . |
Reset | Resets the internal state of the component and all properties to their default values. |
TrackShipment | Returns tracking data for requested TrackingNumber . |
Event List
The following is the full list of the events fired by the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.
Error | Information about errors during data delivery. |
Notification | Notification returned by the server upon successful request (if applicable). |
SSLServerAuthentication | Fired after the server presents its certificate to the client. |
SSLStatus | Shows the progress of the secure connection. |
Configuration Settings
The following is a list of configuration settings for the class with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.
RawRequest | Contains the complete request sent to USPS. |
RawResponse | Contains the complete response returned by the USPS server. |
XPath | Used to retrieve data at any place within the response. |
RequesterId | The Requester Id to be used for Endicia requests. |
AcceptEncoding | Used to tell the server which types of content encodings the client supports. |
AllowHTTPCompression | This property enables HTTP compression for receiving data. |
AllowIdenticalRedirectURL | Allow redirects to the same URL. |
Append | Whether to append data to LocalFile. |
Authorization | The Authorization string to be sent to the server. |
BytesTransferred | Contains the number of bytes transferred in the response data. |
EncodeURL | If set to true the URL will be encoded by the component. |
FollowRedirects | Determines what happens when the server issues a redirect. |
GetOn302Redirect | If set to true the component will perform a GET on the new location. |
HTTPVersion | The version of HTTP used by the component. |
IfModifiedSince | A date determining the maximum age of the desired document. |
KeepAlive | Determines whether the HTTP connection is closed after completion of the request. |
MaxRedirectAttempts | Limits the number of redirects that are followed in a request. |
OtherHeaders | Other headers as determined by the user (optional). |
ProxyAuthorization | The authorization string to be sent to the proxy server. |
ProxyAuthScheme | The authorization scheme to be used for the proxy. |
ProxyPassword | A password if authentication is to be used for the proxy. |
ProxyPort | Port for the proxy server (default 80). |
ProxyServer | Name or IP address of a proxy server (optional). |
ProxyUser | A user name if authentication is to be used for the proxy. |
TransferredDataLimit | The maximum number of incoming bytes to be stored by the component. |
TransferredHeaders | The full set of headers as received from the server. |
UseChunkedEncoding | Enables or Disables HTTP chunked encoding for transfers. |
ChunkSize | Specifies the chunk size in bytes when using chunked encoding. |
UserAgent | Information about the user agent (browser). |
KerberosSPN | The Service Principal Name for the Kerberos Domain Controller. |
ConnectionTimeout | Sets a separate timeout value for establishing a connection. |
FirewallAutoDetect | Tells the component whether or not to automatically detect and use firewall system settings, if available. |
FirewallHost | Name or IP address of firewall (optional). |
FirewallPassword | Password to be used if authentication is to be used when connecting through the firewall. |
FirewallPort | The TCP port for the FirewallHost;. |
FirewallType | Determines the type of firewall to connect through. |
FirewallUser | A user name if authentication is to be used connecting through a firewall. |
KeepAliveTime | The inactivity time in milliseconds before a TCP keep-alive packet is sent. |
KeepAliveInterval | The retry interval, in milliseconds, to be used when a TCP keep-alive packet is sent and no response is received. |
Linger | When set to True, connections are terminated gracefully. |
LingerTime | Time in seconds to have the connection linger. |
LocalHost | The name of the local host through which connections are initiated or accepted. |
LocalPort | The TCP port in the local host where the component binds. |
MaxLineLength | The maximum amount of data to accumulate when no EOL is found. |
MaxTransferRate | The transfer rate limit in bytes per second. |
RecordLength | The length of received data records. |
TCPKeepAlive | Determines whether or not the keep alive socket option is enabled. |
UseIPv6 | Whether to use IPv6. |
TcpNoDelay | Whether or not to delay when sending packets. |
TLS12SignatureAlgorithms | Defines the allowed TLS 1.2 signature algorithms when UseManagedSecurityAPI is True. |
ReuseSSLSession | Determines if the SSL session is reused. |
SSLCipherStrength | The minimum cipher strength used for bulk encryption. |
SSLEnabledProtocols | Used to enable/disable the supported security protocols. |
SSLProvider | The name of the security provider to use. |
SSLSecurityFlags | Flags that control certificate verification. |
OpenSSLCADir | The path to a directory containing CA certificates. |
OpenSSLCAFile | Name of the file containing the list of CA's trusted by your application. |
OpenSSLCipherList | A string that controls the ciphers to be used by SSL. |
OpenSSLPrngSeedData | The data to seed the pseudo random number generator (PRNG). |
AbsoluteTimeout | Determines whether timeouts are inactivity timeouts or absolute timeouts. |
FirewallData | Used to send extra data to the firewall. |
InBufferSize | The size in bytes of the incoming queue of the socket. |
OutBufferSize | The size in bytes of the outgoing queue of the socket. |
CodePage | The system code page used for Unicode to Multibyte translations. |