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Shipping Integrator V5
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Commodities Property

Collection of commodity line items.


Public Property Commodities As CommodityDetailList

public CommodityDetailList Commodities {get;}


The Commodities is required to be provided in any international shipment request regardless of the fact that it contains documents or non-documents.

Each commodity item has a:

For instance, to send a package containing 2 computer softwares and 5 iPods:

component.Commodities[0].NumberOfPieces = 2; 
component.Commodities[0].Description    = "computer software";
component.Commodities[0].Manufacturer   = "US";     // country of manufacturer
component.Commodities[0].Weight         = "0.5";    // each software box weighs .5 lbs
component.Commodities[0].UnitPrice      = "100.00"; // each software priced at $100

component.Commodities[1].NumberOfPieces = 5;
component.Commodities[1].Description    = "portable digital audio player"; 
component.Commodities[1].Manufacturer   = "US";     // country of manufacturer
component.Commodities[1].Weight         = "0.5";    // each iPod weighs .5 lbs
component.Commodities[1].UnitPrice      = "150.00"; // each iPod priced at $150

This property is not available at design time.

Default Value

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