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Metadata Event

Fired when valid blob or container metadata is returned.


type TMetadataEvent = procedure Metadata(Sender: TObject; const ObjectName: String; const Name: String; const Value: String) of object;
property OnMetadata: TMetadataEvent read FOnMetadata write FOnMetadata;


Metadata may be returned for a blob or container as a result of a different method calls.

For containers, metadata will be returned if GetContainerMetadata is called. Metadata will also be returned if ListContainers is called and IncludeMetadata is set to true.

For blobs, metadata will be returned if GetBlobMetadata is called. Metadata will also be returned if ListBlobs is called and IncludeMetadata is set to true.

The ObjectName parameter holds the name of the current object for which the event is firing.

The Name parameter holds the name of the current metadata element.

The Value parameter holds the value of the current metadata element.

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