BucketList Event
Fired for every bucket when ListBuckets is called.
typedef void __fastcall (__closure *TicsAmazonS3BucketListEvent)(System::TObject* Sender, TicsAmazonS3BucketListEventParams *e);__property TicsAmazonS3BucketListEvent OnBucketList = {read=FOnBucketList, write=FOnBucketList};
typedef struct {
String BucketName;
String CreationDate;
String OwnerId;
String OwnerName;
String OtherData;
} TicsAmazonS3BucketListEventParams;
This event is fired for each bucket when ListBuckets is invoked. It allows you to inspect properties of a bucket like its name, creation date, owner id and owner name. "Other Data" is reserved for future use.