ResourceMIMEType Property
The MIME type of the file.
Object Oriented Interface
public function getResourceMIMEType(); public function setResourceMIMEType($value);
Procedural Interface
incloudstorage_googledrive_get($res, 65 ); incloudstorage_googledrive_set($res, 65, $value );
Default Value
This property specifies the MIME type of the file. This may be left blank when calling UploadFile in which case the MIME type will automatically be determined.
Valid MIME types are:
application/ | |
application/ | Google Docs |
application/ | Google Drawing |
application/ | Google Drive file |
application/ | Google Drive folder |
application/ | Google Forms |
application/ | Google Fusion Tables |
application/ | Google Docs |
application/ | |
application/ | Google Slides |
application/ | Google Apps Scripts |
application/ | Google Sites |
application/ | Google Sheets |
application/ | |
application/ |
This property is not available at design time.
Data Type