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HTTPCookie Type

An HTTP cookie either sent to or received from the server.


An HTTP cookie can store the cookies that are to be sent to the server. It may also store the cookies set by the server.

Cookies that are to be sent to the server must have the Name and Value fields supplied prior to submitting the URL. However, when the SetCookie event is fired, all of the fields of an HTTPCookie are filled out accordingly.



The domain of a received cookie. This field contains a domain name to limit the cookie to (if provided by the server). If the server does not provide a domain name, this field will contain an empty string. The convention in this case is to use the server name specified by URLServer as the cookie domain.


This field contains an expiration time for the cookie (if provided by the server). The time format used is "Weekday, DD-Mon-YY HH:MM:SS GMT". If the server does not provide an expiration time, this field will contain an empty string. The convention is to drop the cookie at the end of the session.


The name of the cookie.

This field, along with Value store the cookie that is to be sent to the server. The SetCookie event displays the cookies set by the server and their properties.


This field contains a path name to limit the cookie to (if provided by the server). If the server does not provide a cookie path, the path field will be an empty string. The convention in this case is to use the path specified by URLPath as the cookie path.


This field contains the security flag of the received cookie. This field specifies whether the cookie is secure. If the value of this field is True, the cookie value must be submitted through a secure (HTTPS) connection only.


This field contains the value of the cookie. The cookie specified by Name has a corresponding value associated with it. This property holds that value.

The SetCookie event provides the cookies set by the server.


Public HTTPCookie()

public HTTPCookie();

Public HTTPCookie(ByVal Name As String, ByVal Value As String)

public HTTPCookie(string name, string value);

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