Cloud Storage Integrator 2016 macOS Edition
Cloud Storage Integrator 2016 macOS Edition
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blobDelimiter (property)

The delimiter to be used when listing blobs.

- (NSString*)blobDelimiter

- (void)setBlobDelimiter:(NSString*)newBlobDelimiter

Default Value



If this property is set before calling ListBlobs, the delimiter parameter will be sent with the specified value. When a delimiter is specified, the returned blob list will contain BlobPrefix elements. These elements act as a placeholder for all blobs whose names begin with the same substring up to the appearance of the delimiter character(s).

The PrefixList event will fire for each BlobPrefix element returned. Each BlobPrefix can then be used to traverse the virtual namespace hierarchy, by setting Prefix and calling ListBlobs.

Note, the Azure Blob Storage does not support hierarchical structures. However blob names can be used to simulate a virtual hierarchical folder structure.

For example, we have blobs with the following names:

MyCompany, MyCompany/Department1, MyCompany/Department2

If we set BlobDelimiter to "/", calling ListBlobs, will return the "MyCompany" blob. The PrefixList event will also fire for "MyCompany/".

If you then wanted to traverse the blobs contained within the "MyCompany/" virtual folder, you can set Prefix to "MyCompany/" and call ListBlobs. The resulting blob list will contain the "MyCompany/Department1" and "MyCompany/Department2" blobs.

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Cloud Storage Integrator 2016 macOS Edition - Version 16.0 [Build 7239]