ResultCode Property
The result code returned in the last server response.
Data Type
IntegerDefault Value
This property contains the result code returned in the last server response.
Possible result codes are:
0 | success |
1 | operationsError |
2 | protocolError |
3 | timeLimitExceeded |
4 | sizeLimitExceeded |
5 | compareFalse |
6 | compareTrue |
7 | authMethodNotSupported |
8 | strongAuthRequired |
9 | reserved |
10 | referral |
11 | adminLimitExceeded |
12 | unavailableCriticalExtension |
13 | confidentialityRequired |
14 | saslBindInProgress |
16 | noSuchAttribute |
17 | undefinedAttributeType |
18 | inappropriateMatching |
19 | constraintViolation |
20 | attributeOrValueExists |
21 | invalidAttributeSyntax |
32 | noSuchObject |
33 | aliasProblem |
34 | invalidDNSyntax |
35 | reserved for undefined isLeaf |
36 | aliasDereferencingProblem |
48 | inappropriateAuthentication |
49 | invalidCredentials |
50 | insufficientAccessRights |
51 | busy |
52 | unavailable |
53 | unwillingToPerform |
54 | loopDetect |
64 | namingViolation |
65 | objectClassViolation |
66 | notAllowedOnNonLeaf |
67 | notAllowedOnRDN |
68 | entryAlreadyExists |
69 | objectClassModsProhibited |
70 | reserved for CLDAP |
71 | affectsMultipleDSAs |
All the result codes with the exception of success, compareFalse and compareTrue are to be treated as meaning the operation could not be completed in its entirety. Result codes from 16 to 21 indicate an AttributeProblem, codes 32, 33, 34 and 36 indicate a NameProblem, codes 48, 49 and 50 indicate a SecurityProblem, codes 51 to 54 indicate a ServiceProblem, and codes 64 to 69 and 71 indicate an UpdateProblem.