/n software Connectors for MuleSoft

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CipherMode Property

Controls how the transformer uses the IV to modify the cipher algorithm.

Data Type


Possible Values


Default Value



CipherMode can be used to allow the module to use an initialization vector (IV) to manipulate the output from the cipher. This can add several degrees of security to the basic cipher algorithm.

CBC - Cipher Block ChainingEach block of data output by the cipher is XOR'd with the next block of plaintext to change the input. The IV is used as the first block.
ECB - Electronic CodebookThis is the basic cipher algorithm. The value of the IV will be ignored.
OFB - Output FeedbackThe output of each cipher call is XOR'd with the plaintext to produce the ciphertext and the same output is used as the input for the next cipher call. The IV is used as the first input block.
CFB - Cipher FeedbackEach block of ciphertext is encrypted again and XOR'd with the plaintext to produce the next block of ciphertext. The IV is used as the first input block.
CTS - Cipher Text StealingHandles any length of plain text and produces cipher text whose length matches the plain text length. This mode behaves like the CBC mode for all but the last two blocks of the plain text.
8OFB - 8-bit Output FeedbackOFB cipher in 8-bit mode.
8CFB - 8-Bit Cipher FeedbackCFB cipher in 8-bit mode.
GCM - Galois/Counter ModeEach input block is counted, and the current value of the counter is sent through the block cipher. The output of the block cipher is XOR'd with the corresponding plaintext block to form the ciphertext.

Note: the default cipher mode is CBC as it provides a very strong layer of added security for a minimum of extra CPU power.

Copyright (c) 2022 /n software inc. - All rights reserved.
/n software Connectors for MuleSoft - Version 20.0 [Build 8318]