AMQP Tasks

Properties   Configuration Settings  

An easy-to-use AMQP 1.0 client implementation.


The AMQP task provides an easy-to-use AMQP 1.0 client implementation. The task supports both plaintext and TLS-enabled connections over TCP.

AMQP Send Task

At a minimum, you must supply an RemoteHost, RemotePort, and ContainerId for the connection. In order to authenticate with the AMQP broker you will need to specify a User and Password. The AuthScheme property contains a preferential list of authentication methods to be enabled on the task.

The task will send the contents of the MessageValue property.

The AMQP Sender Task has support for SSL transport layer security. This may be enabled by setting SSLStartMode, SSLCert and SSLAcceptServerCert to appropriate values.

Sender Property List

The following is the full list of the properties of the sender task with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

AuthSchemeThe authentication scheme to use when connecting.
ContainerIdThe container Id the component should advertise when connecting.
FirewallA set of properties related to firewall access.
IdleTimeoutThe maximum period of inactivity the component will allow before disconnecting.
LinkNameThe name of the sender or receiver link.
LogFileThe file to write logging information to at runtime.
LogModeWhat information gets logged during component execution.
MessageAbsoluteExpiryTimeThe absolute time at which this message should be considered expired.
MessageContentEncodingThe content encoding of this message's data.
MessageContentTypeThe content type of this message's data.
MessageCorrelationIdThe correlation Id of this message.
MessageCreationTimeThe creation time of this message.
MessageDeliveryCountHow many previous attempts there have been to deliver this message.
MessageDurableWhether this message is durable.
MessageFirstAcquirerWhether this message may have been acquired by other links previously.
MessageGroupIdThe Id of the group this message belongs to.
MessageGroupSequenceThe position of this message within its group.
MessageIdThe unique Id of this message.
MessagePriorityThe priority of this message.
MessageReplyToThe address of the node to send replies to for this message.
MessageReplyToGroupIdThe Id of the group to send replies to for this message.
MessageSettledWhether this message is settled.
MessageSubjectThe subject of this message.
MessageToThe address of the node which this message is intended for.
MessageTTLThe time-to-live value for this message.
MessageUserIdThe identity of the user responsible for producing this message.
MessageValueThis message's value.
MessageValueTypeThis message's value data type.
OtherDefines a set of configuration settings to be used by the component.
PasswordA password to use for SASL authentication.
RemoteHostThe address of the remote host. Domain names are resolved to IP addresses.
RemotePortThe port of the AQMP server (default is 5672).
RuntimeLicenseSpecifies the component runtime license key.
SendTargetThe address of the node at the target receiver.
SessionNameThe name of the session to send to or receive from.
SSLAcceptServerCertInstructs the component to unconditionally accept the server certificate that matches the supplied certificate.
SSLAcceptServerCertAcceptAnyTells the component to accept any server certificate.
SSLCertThe certificate to use for client authentication during the SSL handshake.
SSLStartModeDetermines how the component starts the SSL negotiation.
TimeoutA timeout for the component.
UserA username to use for SASL authentication.

Configuration Settings

The following is a list of configuration settings for the task with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

AuthorizationIdentityThe value to use as the authorization identity when SASL authentication is used.
DefaultCreditThe amount of credit to create new receiver links with.
DefaultCreditThresholdThe credit threshold to create new receiver links with.
DefaultIncomingWindowThe incoming window size to create new sessions with.
DefaultOutgoingWindowThe outgoing window size to create new sessions with.
DefaultSenderSettleModeThe sender settle mode to create new links with.
GenerateCreationTimeWhether the message creation time should be automatically generated when sending a message.
GenerateMessageIdWhether a unique message Id should be automatically generated when sending a message.
MaxFrameSizeThe maximum frame size.
MaxMessageSizeThe maximum message size to restrict new links to.
MessageRelativeExpirationTimeSets the number of seconds until the message expires.
ProtocolVersionThe AMQP protocol version to conform to.
ReuseSSLSessionDetermines if the SSL session is reused.
SSLCipherStrengthThe minimum cipher strength used for bulk encryption.
SSLEnabledCipherSuitesThe cipher suite to be used in an SSL negotiation.
SSLEnabledProtocolsUsed to enable/disable the supported security protocols.
SSLIncludeCertChainWhether the entire certificate chain is included in the SSLServerAuthentication event.
SSLSecurityFlagsFlags that control certificate verification.
TLS12SignatureAlgorithmsDefines the allowed TLS 1.2 signature algorithms when UseInternalSecurityAPI is True.
TLS12SupportedGroupsThe supported groups for ECC.
TLS13KeyShareGroupsThe groups for which to pregenerate key shares.
TLS13SignatureAlgorithmsThe allowed certificate signature algorithms.
TLS13SupportedGroupsThe supported groups for (EC)DHE key exchange.
AbsoluteTimeoutDetermines whether timeouts are inactivity timeouts or absolute timeouts.
LocalHostThe name of the local host or user-assigned IP interface through which connections are initiated or accepted.
TcpNoDelayWhether or not to delay when sending packets.
UseInternalSecurityAPITells the component whether or not to use the system security libraries or an internal implementation.

Copyright (c) 2022 /n software inc. - All rights reserved.
/n software Tasks for SSIS - Version 20.0 [Build 8319]