OpenPGP Tasks

Properties   Configuration Settings  

The OpenPGP Task provides OpenPGP signing and encryption functionality.


The OpenPGP Task is used for sending and receiving OpenPGP signed and encrypted messages. The messages may be signed, encrypted, or both.

By default the OpenPGP Task will use an internal OpenPGP implementation. This implementation of OpenPGP does not require any additional dependencies and is completely managed. Alternatively the task may be configured to use an external implementation such as GnuPG. See PGPProviderType for details.

OpenPGP Encoder Task

The encoder takes raw messages as input, and generates a signed, encrypted, or signed and encrypted OpenPGP message as output. This task can be used when creating pipelines to create such messages.

The SignData and EncryptData properties tell the task which operations should be performed on the message. Set the respective property to true to enable the operation. If signing a message, you will need to specify the private key for signing in the Key property. If encrypting a message, you will need to specify the public key of the recipient in the RecipientKey property. Optionally use the PGPParams property to specify input parameters to the operation.

OpenPGP Decoder Task

The decoder takes OpenPGP signed, encrypted, or signed and encrypted messages as input, then verifies and/or decrypts the message. The resulting message will be the raw original message.

The incoming message will be decrypted using the private key in the Key property. Verification is performed automatically when the public key of the signer is specified in the SignerKey property. Optionally use the PGPParams property to specify input parameters to the operation.

Encoder Property List

The following is the full list of the properties of the encoder task with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

ASCIIArmorSpecifies whether to use ASCII armor to encode the output message.
CompressionMethodThe compression algorithm used.
EncryptDataWhether or not to encrypt the data.
EncryptingAlgorithmThe encryption algorithm used when encrypting.
HomeDirThe home directory containing the keyring.
InputFileThe name of the input file for the component.
KeySpecifies the OpenPGP private key to use for decryption and signing.
OtherDefines a set of configuration settings to be used by the task.
OutputFileThe name of the output file for the component.
PassphraseThe passphrase of the private/secret key.
PGPParamsSets the parameters in the OpenPGP provider.
PGPProviderThe OpenPGP provider provides an interface to the OpenPGP cryptography software.
PGPProviderTypeThe PGP provider to use.
ProtectedPGPParamsSets the protected parameters in the OpenPGP provider.
RecipientKeySpecifies the OpenPGP public key to use for encryption.
RecipientUserIdThe user Id of the recipient.
RuntimeLicenseSpecifies the component runtime license key.
SignDataWhether or not to sign the data.
SigningAlgorithmThe signature hash algorithm used when signing.
TempPathThe path to which temporary files are written at runtime.
UserIdThe user Id of the key.

Decoder Property List

The following is the full list of the properties of the decoder task with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

HomeDirThe home directory containing the keyring.
InputFileThe name of the input file for the component.
KeySpecifies the OpenPGP private key to use for decryption and signing.
OtherDefines a set of configuration settings to be used by the task.
OutputFileThe name of the output file for the component.
PassphraseThe passphrase of the private/secret key.
PGPParamsSets the parameters in the OpenPGP provider.
PGPProviderThe OpenPGP provider provides an interface to the OpenPGP cryptography software.
PGPProviderTypeThe PGP provider to use.
ProtectedPGPParamsSets the protected parameters in the OpenPGP provider.
RuntimeLicenseSpecifies the component runtime license key.
SignerKeySpecifies the OpenPGP public key to use for signature verification.
SignerUserIdThe user Id of the signer.
TempPathThe path to which temporary files are written at runtime.
UserIdThe user Id of the key.

Configuration Settings

The following is a list of configuration settings for the task with short descriptions. Click on the links for further details.

AllowOldPacketTypeWhether to allow the older encrypted packet type.
FilenameThe original name of the file to encrypt.
ForceV3SignatureWhether to use v3 signatures.
KeySelectionMethodThe method used to select a key for encryption or signing.
LogDebugDataWhether to include debug information in the log.
PublicKeyringFileThe name of the public keyring file.
RecursiveDecryptModeWhether the encrypted data should be decrypted recursively.
RequireEncryptionWhether an error should be thrown if the message is not encrypted.
RequireSignatureWhether an error should be thrown if the message is not signed.
SecretKeyringFileThe name of the secret keyring file.
SymmetricPassphraseThe password used for symmetric encryption or decryption.

Copyright (c) 2022 /n software inc. - All rights reserved.
/n software Tasks for SSIS - Version 20.0 [Build 8319]